hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone takes any herbs for their tm? i saw about the valerium root and melatonin for sleep, and i see advertisements for herbs to treat "myelitis" all the time online. so i was just wondering if anyone has ever tried any of them and what the results were. also, i loved the poems akua, i too am stuck in a wheelchair and it breaks my heart every day. It is so very hard not to be able to do the things you want to do any more. I want to walk again more than anything. A good friend of mine said that james 1:2 says "consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that testing of your faith develops perseverance." You have to run this race with your eyes on Jesus or you will fall. She is probably the best "friend" i have and she inspires me to try harder. I know that faith will pull us through! 

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