Hello  Everyone,
It has been some time since I  posted to the List, so some of you may not 
know who I  am.  I have  been off-line because of some bad pressure ulcers on 
my behind that ended  up going all the way to the bone and I had to have 
surgery to repair  them.   I can now sit up for short periods of time...long 
enough  to use my laptop for the first time.
Thanks to all of you who sent  cards, gifts and Prayers during the time I 
was in the hospital and home  recuperating.
I have had strange sensations up  and down my legs since the surgery, and 
have even thought I was getting  feeling and possibly movement back, but 
nothing has been lasting more than  a few moments.
The docs have just given me  permission to sit in my wheelchair for one 
hour in the morning and once in  the evening.  I am taking PT three times a 
week to build up my upper  body so that transferring will be easier.
Shoot...I've been up a while,  answered several emails and read everything 
on the List that I have been  missing out on, and now I find myself too 
tired and in too much pain to  continue this at this time.
I will finish this later.  My  love and Prayers go out to all of you.
May God keep you  safe,
continue being your resting  place,
and may He keep giving us  reason to Hope
in our  recovery.

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