dear Jude,  patti, Jim and Marieke,
While I haven't spent a long time thinking about getting off The antidepressant because I had not noticed my improvements until they reached the level of obvious and dramatic but I did weigh the pros and cons and I was the one who asked the doctor to put me on it in the first place.

I know I have more to come to terms with in my life after TM but my body was not as affected as many others have been, Although my damage is at C4-C5 I never lost mobility. My gait is natural and none of my friends ever suspected I was Ill. but the pain from my chest down was shocking... literally! its like I've had my finger stuck in a light socket for over 2 years. When I went on Cymbalta I wanted to quell the urge to jump off a cliff to make the pain stop and I was angry that my otherwise able body should be filled with incapacitating pain.

Now that the pain has lessened I feel that the drugs side effects: drowsiness, fogginess, weight gain and some funny attitudes that are hard to describe are getting in the way of my goals for this day and the future. I've got 40 capsules left and I thought I'd take a full month or more to slowly ween down. today I took a cap with 10 grains removed and I figured I'd stay with that for a few days before moving to 20 grains. I am still on Lyrica and it doesn't make me so sleepy, If I miss the pain reduction of Cymbalta I'll ask for an increase of Lyrica.

I will also have my Husband and Kids watching me 24/7 now that school is out (hubby teaches High school) my 14 year old daughter is very observant and we communicate quite well so she'll be in on the "mom watch" if any time is good for me to try to go off this is it. I think I'll also write in to you guys every reduction I make.

Thanks for all your help!

Mindy the Artist

On May 30, 2009, at 9:59 AM, wrote:

Dearest Mindy,

It has only been two years for you. That is not a long time and even though you may feel that you are emotionally healed and have accepted your life the way it is now, I doubt that you have. You would be exceptional if you were that stable. I'm not saying that you are not stable, but from experience, I know how big the losses are with TM and they sneak up on you years after you think you are finished with them.

I would like others to comment on this one. It's very important and I am interested in what you have to say.

Even with blessings from your doctor, Mindy, I would be very careful and think this through thoroughly. I love you so much and only want you to be safe, healthy and happy.

Love and Prayers,

In a message dated 5/29/2009 2:45:06 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
Dear friends.
I am continuing to feel better. Now that I look back I can see that I have been Improving for about a month even though I'm passed the 2 year mark. The hope it has given me above and beyond the general "coming to terms" and "acceptance" that one should reach by their 2 year mark, has made me decide that I am ready to get off my antidepressant. I have read that Cymbalta is very difficult to come off of and that other people have had good results opening the capsules and reducing the dose incrementally themselves every few days. I just spoke with my doctor and have her blessing in this endeavor as she has had other patients wean off successfully doing this.

Cymbalta saved my life and helped with the nerve pain in ways that other antidepressants do not but I am ready to face the world again. Will keep you all informed of my progress!

Mindy the Artist


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