Janet, thank you for writing in.   Do you mind telling me your age when TM hit 
you?   I am trying to see if there is something
to be found in age groups with TM.      Also, write in whenever you can and 
feel like it, or just want to let off some steam!
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Janet Dunn 
  To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Sunday, June 07, 2009 3:50 PM
  Subject: [TMIC] Occupations

  Hi All


  I was working at the local Health Food store in 2004, as a Nutritional 
Consultant.  My legs had been "asleep" for awhile - I had gone to the Chiro and 
the Massage Therapist in case I had a muscle knot somewhere.  Nothing.  I 
continued to lose feeling over the course of several weeks, and my legs just 
hurt.  It felt like there were clamps around my knees.  It wasn't until a 
really good looking young man made a pass at my by touching my "butt" and 
awaiting a response, that I realized something was dreadfully wrong.  By this 
time I could hardly walk, there was a horrible band around my chest and I was 
admitted to hospital.


  An MRI showed a lesion at T 4-5 and I was treated for MS.  I fought that 
decision, and finally two years later after a spinal tap I was diagnosed with 
TM.  In the two years it took for a diagnosis, I fought hard every day to walk, 
to work, to look after my family (I am a single mom).  In September of 2008 a 
neurologist said that that was it.  No point in fighting anymore, as I wasn't 
going to get better.  The damage is done.   That sent me into a tailspin, as 
all I had known was to fight this thing.  


  I do have good mobility.  The cold weather sets my legs off.  I have a 
problem with their temperature.  Imagine, a heating pad in the summer! I am 
managed by lyrica, effexor, oxycodone, and flexeril when I need it.  On really 
bad days, when nothing helps, my Dr. lets me have a Demerol shot to help with 
the pain.  I have had lidocaine infusions, they did not help. 


  I am currently off on medical leave, just to rest up and get "it" together.  
I have applied for CPP disability.  I am back to fighting, but not as hard.  It 
is more like managing now.  I am not sure I will ever be able to manage working 
full time any more.  I just get too tired.


  I "lurk" in the background.  I appreciate so much all the comments that are 
made:  like the accidental passing of gas - that was a relief, I thought I was 
really out of it when that happened, so I was glad to know it is part and 
parcel.  Like the bladder issues.  Like the medication issues, the depression, 
the suicidal thoughts.


  Although I do not contribute very often, I want you all to know that I truly 
appreciate everything that is said on here.  And thank you to all of you for 


  Janet Dunn


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