Hello All,

I was an award winning hairstylist  with my own salon, who also taught hair
coloring for an Italian hair color  company named Framesi.  It was my goal,
for years and years, to make  people, but especially women, feel better
about themselves by raising their  self-esteem through helping them look better
and helping them find what they  were good at in life and able to do in a
positive manner.

I worked in the Salon three days a  week, taught seminars one or two days
and traveled the remainder of the  time.  I either did large multi-salon
seminars at a major hotel or smaller,  in-salon classes where one day was spent
on learning all there is to know about  hair color and the next day working
on actual clients.

My hair has been every color under  the sun, including bright mauve; it has
been long, short, shorter and shaved and  I have loved every minute of it.

I worked on my feet for almost 40  years before TM knocked me off my
feet...literally.  Since I am a complete  paraplegic with no movement/no
sensation, no bowel or bladder and basically  bed/wheelchair dependent, there 
is no
way I can go back into business at the  level to which I was used to doing.
I enjoyed being the master of my own  fate and loved my profession so much
that if I hadn't have needed money to live  on, I would have done it for
nothing...simply the joy of it all.

Positively Yours,

In a message dated 6/5/2009 12:23:45 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
jan...@centurytel.net writes:

Hi Guys!

I have been curious about something for a while and since things have  kind
of slowed down, want to ask you all what you did
before TM hit and if you were able to go back to it or if you are doing 
something  new.                                                         
 I am including even those who just read these emails and  don't usually
respond.   I would like to hear from everybody and would think  all of us
would be interested.   I will start:

I was a school nurse's secretary/assistant in a large high school for 19
years.   I absolutely loved it - everyday was different, as
you can imagine working with high schoolers!   Our school nurse  was gone a
lot to other schools we were responsible for, so
I was left alone quite a bit and handled many different situations.   I was
well trained for this and it was great.


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