Dear "R",

My name is Jude and I have had TM for 8 yrs. and  am a complete para from
T3 on down to the tips of my toes, with all of the  difficulties you
described in your email.

I have, and I'm certain most of us have,  experienced the same feelings of
suicide and change of heart and are  better off and much happier for it.  I
know two TM'ers who did decide  to go through with it, and all who knew them
miss them  terribly.

TM has humbled me immensely and made me aware of  the truly important
things in life.  I too, am so thankful for  everything my husband-caregiver, 
for me.  And, in spite of  everything...I too believe that we are closer
now than before TM.  He  may beg to differ, I don't know.  All I know is that
I love him to  distraction and don't know how I would live without  him.

Please stay with us from time to time.  Let  us know your first name, ok?
You would be a wonderful addition to  the List, especially for the "newbies"
with all they need to  know.

You write beautifully and we need more members  like you who can identify
with us.  I will not bother you too much,  but may email you from time to
time only to see how you are  doing.

Peace and Prayers,

In a message dated 6/6/2009 1:43:35 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Janice, this is the FIRST time I have responded on this list.  I have had
TM since October 3rd 1988 (almost 21years) Since 1983 I have  been employed
in the financial services industry with the same company.  I am a Certified
Financial Planner.  I help folks invest  their money.  I work eight hours a
day five days a week.  I  have told my wife of 34 years that of all the
functions I have lost (  sensation,walking,bladder,bowel,sexual etc. ) I would
give anything to  have normal BOWEL function and to not  deal with FATIGUE!!!

I also have a PAIN issue I call FIRE BOTTOM which I think  contributes to
my fatigue. When I was paralyzed at age thirty-six I  spent 2 1/2 months in
the hospital. I seriously considered suicide.  People that know me as a
FUN-LOVING GUY would never believe I  would think of that as an answer.  Well I
did but I CHOSE to LIVE  and almost twenty-one years later I am GLAD of that
decision.  My  wife and I have raised our only child, a son, who was two and
a half  years old at the time. We had planned to have a second child but TM
took  away that option. As we know this is an EXTREMELY difficult disease
to  deal with and a HUGE LIFE- CHANGER.  When I was going through this  I
failed to realize the impact on the Care-Giver(My Wife).  I did  not treat her
well!  I was focused only on my issues. Looking back  over these past
twenty-one years there have been some EXTREMELY TOUGH  TIMES but also some GREAT
TIMES! I thank GOD daily that my wife CHOSE to  stay with her husband which
required TREMENDOUS change on her part .I  remember in rehab the statistics
on spouses sticking around after a  spinal injury or illness and the
statistics were not favorable. My  room-mates wife divorced him while he was 
through rehab. My wife  may not agree but I believe WE  are closer now than
before the  illness. This might sound corny but if the Lord allows me to see
miserably  but I tell myself I will try to do better tomorrow. I admire ALL of 
in this group who FIGHT DAILY and DO NOT GIVE UP! Janice, after my
LONG-WINDED reply I bet you are SORRY you asked the question. I am glad  you 

On Jun 5, 2009, at 12:22 PM, Janice wrote:

Hi Guys!

I have been curious about something for a while and since things  have kind
of slowed down, want to ask you all what you did
before TM hit and if you were able to go back to it or if you are  doing
something  new.                                                         
 I am including even those who just read these emails  and don't usually
respond.   I would like to hear from everybody and  would think all of us
would be interested.   I will  start:

I was a school nurse's secretary/assistant in a large high school  for 19
years.   I absolutely loved it - everyday was  different, as
you can imagine working with high schoolers!   Our  school nurse was gone a
lot to other schools we were responsible for,  so
I was left alone quite a bit and handled many different  situations.  I was
well trained for this and it was great.



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