Oh I forget to mention that when people ask me what TM is I explain that it is 
like MS but that I have the lesions on my spine not my brain. That is a simple 
way for them to understand. MS is very well known and it keeps most people from 
wanting more of an explaination
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: jharpe...@aol.com 
  To: jan...@centurytel.net ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2009 8:02 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Class Reunions

  I agree with what several others have said: I'd do ahead and RSVP so they can 
make adequate preparations and then see how you feel when the time comes. 
Sometimes I am fine answering questions and want to spread awareness about TM 
that way: sometimes I can kind of close in on myself and not really want to get 
into it. I'd prepare a short response for anyone who asks (I think I used to 
say something like "I had an auto-immune attack on my spine") and then go 
further if they want to talk about it more and you feel like it, or change the 
subject if you don't.

  But would I let the fact of having TM keep me from such a gathering? No. As 
others have said, a lot of people in your class will have gone through any 
number of situations, too, in the mean time.

  Barbara H.

  In a message dated 7/1/2009 11:47:46 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
jan...@centurytel.net writes:
    I have another question for you all that want to answer:

    I will be having another class reunion shortly and graduating from the 
hometown high school, I was usually one of about 15 that
    helped to plan it.    We had around 500 in our graduating class.    Anyway, 
I am debating whether or not to be a part of the
    planning or even attending the reunion.    This is the first reunion since 
I got clobbered with TM.  I still have to use a cane and 
    would maybe need my wheelchair.    I was fairly well known and I am afraid 
I would be answering questions all nite about TM.     My question is:
         Would you let TM keep you from attending a reunion?    Be honest.   If 
you were faced with this decision this weekend,
    what would you do?


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