> *Dear Friends,  *

> *Several years ago, I was in an extremely bad place.  I was in dire
> straits, physically and emotionally.  I was also penniless, and unable to
> afford much needed medications.  Yes, I was distraught and although it
> shames me to say it now---I was also suicidal.  At that time I had a lot of
> pressure on me---my children and their problems were weighing heavily on my
> mind, my medical benefits were in a state of total confusion, and my
> physical state was poor.  I have NMO--it's a cruel disease and one that
> often, even in this day and age, causes death.  I couldn't purchase my
> extremely expensive prescriptions, and was fearful of another attack.  To my
> way of thinking at that time, death was preferable to continuing the
> struggle.  *

> *To make a long story short, just whenever I thought that things could not
> possibly get worse, and just whenever I thought that suicide would be the
> only solution, an Angel appeared---Lynne.  Out of the blue, Lynne sent me
> money to cover my prescriptions.  To say that I was grateful is an
> understatment of the grossest degree.  That one selfless act, touched me in
> ways that nothing else could.  My real life *friends* never stepped up to
> the plate, but Lynne, who did not know me, did.  *

> *It's because of her, that I am so deeply into the Advocacy effort.
> The Good and Great Lord, knows that I don't have one cent to rub against
> another, but he and Lynne, have shown me another way to pay it forward.
> *

> *Lynne,  I have never for one single moment forgotten what you did for
> me.  You are, and always will be, that one in a million.  *

> *Love,  *

> *Grace*
 *   *
 *      *

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