What a beautiful note, Gracie....Jeanne
-------Original Message-------
From: Grace M.
Date: 7/26/2009 4:31:15 PM
To: roseofr...@aol.com
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC] About Lynne--Our ROSEOFRENO.
Dearest Lynn,  
Thank you so much for your most kind words.  You know, several months before
you helped me, I had totally given up the advocacy effort, leaving it all in
the hands of our founder, Tim Mulvihill. (Deceased since March of 2008, and
now the angel on my shoulder.)  I was so ill back then, both in body and
soul, and the often sad stories of other patients and the deaths that the
group had experienced, were just too much for me.  Tim and I both, spent
many hours crying over the telephone to each other.  He was an extremely
loving and kind man, and the plight of patients affected him deeply.    
The day that I received that envelope and card from you, I cried like a baby
  Can you ever imagine how wonderful it was to know that someone who didn't
know me from Adam, actually cared?  It opened my eyes and helped me to
realize that the singular most important thing I could ever do, would be to
let others suffering from this *thing* know that that there was someone out
there, who cared what happened to them.  
It's still bittersweet for me, and every now and again, I start to feel
overwhelmed and need to withdraw just a bit.  I know in my heart that I'll
never give it up, and will continue to do the best that I can to reach out
to patients, and to spread NMO awareness.  (The good and great Lord has
blessed me with a very big mouth.  ;-)  
Much love,  



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