Linda,   I wish I had some medical advice to give you....  I have always
understood that "water therapy" is the number one choice for all kinds of
issues that we have.  I used to hang on the side of the pool and do
exercises...  would google the internet for water exercises, or water
aerobics, there has got to be something out there to help you.
Keep fighting!

"Most of us are greater than we dare to believe."
                               Pablo Casals

On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 11:38 PM, L T CHERPESKI <> wrote:

>  Hi everybody,
> I'm hoping you guys can help point me in the right direction.  There are so
> many of us on the TM site there's just got to be someone who knows somebody
> with the same or similar dilemma.
> Most of you know that I've had Sjogrens for 20+ years (unfortunately,
> progressive and aggressive) and 7 yrs ago TM came into my life.  I am on
> heavy chemo meds (Imuran and Rituxan infusions) to suppress my immune system
> to keep it from attacking my body.  Last Sept I had a "minor" surgery to
> repair a torn meniscus in my knee, and my body went into the longest,
> hardest relapse I've ever had.  I'm just now getting my arms and hands
> "back" - I think this is as much as I'll get this time.  Almost everything
> else has gradually come back.  My one huge problem is that my KNEES took the
> biggest hit - my doctors said it was because they were the weakest part of
> my body at the time.  I have infected knees (right one to the bone) and am
> walking (trying) on bone on bone knees.  They both need to be replaced.
> And, I have TM, so already my walking is not that pretty.
> I was sent out of state to a surgeon who does a special knee replacement
> surgery that is less invasive.  Long trip, big disappointment.  He will NOT
> do surgery on me either because of the "aftermath"  - said it would be like
> doing brain surgery due to my autoimmune diseases.  Well that's fine - I
> have always wanted to do anything but the surgery, but was given no OTHER
> choices.
> And, I am still being given NO options.  So I've done some of my own
> research.  What about physical therapy to get my thigh and quad muscles
> built up so they can take some of the load off my knee joints? (I'm a fairly
> small person so we're not talking about losing 50 lbs and that would make
> things all better)  Water therapy?  I'm not quite sure how to get these
> muscles built up when my knees hurt so bad I can hardly bend them, but there
> has to be a way.  My doctors have kind of given up on me, which at first
> shocked me, now I'm just really mad.
> Any ideas would be much appreciated.
> Thanks guys,
> Linda

Everything is possible for one who believes,
still more for one who hopes,
even more for one who loves"

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