Dear Mike,

I am so very sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with this rare disease. 
 And, yes, one would certainly think that TM in itself is enough.  I have read 
your post 3 times, trying to absorb it. Most of us had never heard of TM when 
we were diagnosed with it, and I can imagine that most of us have little or no 
knowledge about this.  I did find a great deal of information on the Mayo 
Clinic site.  I prayed for you tonight, and please know that you will continue 
to be in my prayers.  You are going to beat this thing. Knowledge is Power.  
The University of Washington is among the very best, so you're in good hands.  
You will be in my thoughts as you meet with the doctor Friday. Please update 
when you can.  And thank you for sharing your email address and phone number.  
You've come to the right place for support. 

Take care,
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jill Hammond<> 
  To:<> ;<> ; Paula 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 9:12 PM
  Subject: [TMIC] An unpleasant subject.

  My dear TM family,  Just when you thought we had enough bad things happening, 
I manage to get diagnosed with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma.   Nasopharyngeal 
Carcinoma is a cancer of the sinus.  It is very uncommon, not only in this 
country but in this part of the world.  It usually occurs in oriental males.  
Like my primary doctor says, "Leave it to you to get something weird".  I guess 
I am going to have to do some more research on the family genealogy to find out 
where this one came from.  Normal treatment for this type of cancer is 
chemotherapy and radiation.  We are, at this time, getting a primary cancer 
care doctor and from there one who will oversee the chemo and radiation.  I am 
going to beat this thing, but to do this I need all the help I can get.  If you 
would all put me in your prayers it would be appreciated.  I will do my best to 
keep everyone updated on a regular basis.  Emails and calls are welcome, Email 
address is<> and home 
phone is 360 658 5878.  I am going to continue to work as I can, but I usually 
get pretty tired early in the afternoon.  I have an appointment on Friday with 
a doctor at the University of Washington,  and hope to know more by then. The 
really weird thing is that if you look this up online it comes back as being 
related, somehow, to Epstein-Bar Virus,  and notes an immune system problem.  
Sound familiar?  Does this mean I have been blessed once again?  I don't have 
the email address for Dr. Kerr, but I figure he might be interested in this. If 
someone would forward this, please  Take care everyone,   Mike



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