Ask your doctor about hyperbaric oxygen. I had a wound on the upper surface of a foot with impaired circulation; the wound shrank but would not heal despite twice-weekly treatments for years. I finally went to a wound specialist the end of March, and he prescribed hyperbaric oxygen that I started the following week - five days a week for six weeks.

The hyperbaric chamber is a Lexan tube, seven or eight feet long, maybe three feet in diameter, with a steel cap/door at each end. Slid in there from a special gurney and watched a video (outside) for an hour. Pure oxygen at about 1.5 atmos. The tissues are saturated with oxygen.

It worked. The wound, once the size of an egg and ~two mm below the nearby skin, is now maybe eight mm in diameter and flush.


On Aug 25, 2009, at 11:47 PM, Rebecca wrote:

She feels his wounds can not heal if we don't find something else to help

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