I am here again asking all the people that I trust about this option. Dennis 
has been in the hospital for the last month. This is after he got back for 8 
hours and rushed back to the hospital. His major problem is the 3 wounds that 
he has. Today we had a discussion with a wound care nurse. She feels his wounds 
can not heal if we don't find something else to help Dennis. What we were told 
to think about was tendons being clipped. Last time I asked about amputation 
and I got many replies. Now I am asking if anyone knows anything about tendons 
being clipped. I see so many things coming up with Dennis' health. His legs are 
getting tighter and causing problems now and will get worse. As a mom I am so 
afraid that he will not get over this. I watched, read and prayed for Jude 
during her fight with her battle with wounds. I almost don't want to think 
about what can happen. He is so brave as many of you are. If I could I would 
get all of you together and wave a magic wand to get you well and be happy, 
that would be the best dream I've ever had. I know this sounds child like but I 
am not handling this very well. My husband is in the beginning of Alzheimer and 
is not able to give me support. I am handicapped and try to make it seem 
effortless in my daily life. WOW, I have not talked like this to anyone. I 
guess I needed to vent. I also know I will get answers that are thought out and 
with concern.

I thank everyone of you for giving me advice and hope.

All of you have a good day,

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