Oh no, no, no Janice....there was absolutely  nothing
wrong with your question.  We DO talk about  everything
on this list and any concern is a valid one.
I got silly with Frank because I've known him for  about
12 years....and know his sense of humor.
I read what he wrote about the prunes and wish  they
would work that way for me.  I can eat half a bag  of
dried prunes and they won't work for  me.....but....
if I warm 6 oz. of prune juice in the microwave it  works
in about 3 or so hours.  
I haven't tried stewed prunes...maybe that's the  difference.
As for digital removal ...when I was first paralyzed the  last
thing I thought about was the fact that I wasn't having a  bowel
movement.  I was dealing with hospitals, chiropractors,  doctors,
and so on....and wondering why I was paralyzed in the first  place.
Finally it dawned on me......9 days later.    I  spent 2-1/2 hours in
the bathroom taking care of the problem myself so I wouldn't  have
to have a doctor do it for me.
Trust me....I know how you feel.
   Hugs,  Lynn

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