Frank, you did not embarass me. It is just that you would think a 62-year old woman would put 2 + 2 together quicker, but every time I saw the word, I just couldn't figure out what it was. I blame things like that on my meds. Also, thanks for the explanation below - it does help. Problem is, my body doesn't operate that way, so don't understand all the "jibe".

----- Original Message ----- From: <>
To: "Janice" <>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 8:45 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Digital Removal

-----Original message-----
From: "Janice"
Date: Tue,  1 Sep 2009 02:04:55 -0400
Subject: [TMIC] Digital Removal

For all of you that responded and those of you that just read and
laughed, I feel like a real dummy!

Janice, don't feel horrible. Your question was valid. I had to (The Devil made me do it) put a little spin on the answer. I'm sorry if I embarrassed you.

Bowel Movement discussions are important as I believe we all have problems, and questions, from time to time. There are books (Long books) written on the subject. the major problems encountered relate to fecal dehydration, motility and peristalsis. Dehydration turns turds into rocks- not good. motility is enhanced by using bulking agents and mineral oil. And peristalsis is activated by rectal suppositories or prunes, or other OTC products like that chocolate stuff we used to mix in the chocolate icing to give that special person a special treat.

So we need to drink at least a quart of water a day. Eat lots of Bulk (Veges and meds like lactulose), and prunes or the equivalent .

I hope that helps, and it is true that hypnosis does help (Close your eyes and imagine the long train emerging from the dark tunnel)


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