Mike and Jill....

Through every trial and moment of pain, we stand together to help one another.
Sometimes the hand of a stranger comes along and lifts up our hearts..
Our responsibility is to continue that selfless act of love and pass on the 
Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted.
~ Mathew 5:4

From: jrushton <jrush...@columbiaenergyllc.com>
To: Jill Hammond <3jmhamm...@clearwire.net>; tmic <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2009 7:21:20 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Update on Mike

 Bless your hearts, Mike and Jill..  We will all be holding you in our hearts, 
minds, and prayers.  I wish we could be close to help you with other 
-------Original Message-------

From: Jill Hammond
Date: 9/3/2009 6:47:19 PM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] Update on Mike

Well, everyone, here is your first update.  Before I begin, however, I would 
like to thank all of you who have kept me and my family in your prayers, it 
means a lot.  Don’t stop, though, as the  next 7 weeks or so are going to be a 
little rough.  I especially want to thank my family, without their help and 
support; I cannot imagine where I would be.
For those that like to be very specific, I found out I do not have what I told 
you last time.  What I have is a tumor in the Maxillary Sinus.  This tumor is a 
Neuro-endocrine type (small cell) of cancer.   There, that should make it clear 
as mud.  
Went in yesterday to the Chemo doc, and when he heard that we had to wait until 
next Thursday for our radiation Doc appointment, left the room, came back and 
told us as soon as we were through with him, we could go downstairs and talk to 
the radiation doctor.  The right people and a little help from above just cut 
off another 8 days of waiting.  I can start fighting back.  
Today I went in to the doctor’s office and got fitted for my “Hannibal Lector” 
mask.  This mask ensures that you do not move your head at all while receiving 
radiation. Radiation for this is received from a Tomography machine which 
produces the rays electronically.  I will tell you that I could not even open 
my eyes while wearing the mask.. Very claustrophobic, so a little Xanac 
helped.  Now, I go back in for my very first radiation treatment next 
Thursday.  During this 7 week, five day a week treatment, I will receive at 
least 6,000 RAD (Radiation Absorbed Dose) to the cancer.  For those who are not 
aware, just let me say that 6,000 RAD is a LOT.  Unfortunately, my right optic 
nerve may receive much of this.  The optic nerve begins to show damage at 4,500 
RAD, So, I may loose some, or all, vision in my right eye.  There are a lot of 
other little complications like loss of salivary glands, loss of taste (Have 
that already), possible teeth
 problems,  and hair loss (time for a Kojack shave).  
The Chemotherapy introduction session is tomorrow and I learn what I get, when 
it will start, if I will need a port and lots of other questions I am sure.  
So another update in a week or so.  Take care and be talking with you soon.   
God bless us, everyone,
 Mike and Coach Jill.  

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