Frank....had to tell you this....Bill and I were discussing  the viruses in 
a flu
vaccine this morning and I repeated the "half dead" virus to  him and he 
"I meant to say weakened virus. "  
So....I guess I stand corrected.  :-)
   Love,  Lynn
In a message dated 9/3/2009 1:23:07 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

>  is there a half dead virus in  the swine flu  
> vaccine..?


I've never thought of IT that way...a  half dead virus.  Something like a 
Zombi movie, night of the LIVING  DEAD.

What does a "Half dead virus" look like ?

Is it like being  "Partially  Pregnant"??

I think it's against the law to have  vaccines made from a "Half dead 

I wouldn't worry.  Try  hard not to have bad dreams tonight.

I will pray for you, as I always  do.


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