> *I think that we have to remember that just because one has TM doesn't mean
> that one is immune from all of the other diseases and disorders that are out
> there.  Hypertension, diabetes, cancers, sudden illness, accidents, etc.
> Then too, we age, and with aging often come other health concerns.*

I couldn't have said it better.

Personally, After TM came to me, I stopped climbing mountains, sailing, 
bicycling, and making long luscious love. Constant pain and allodynia from my 
lower neck down to the bottoms of my feet gets in the way of a normal life. I 
was unable to play the piano, violin, french-horn, guitar, ukulele, and afew 
other instruments that help reduce stress. I lost the ability to write stories 
and use the keyboard easily.
I type around four words per minute now, and make many mistakes because my 
fingers don't go  and land where I want them to.

I started gaining weight from the therapeutic Prednisone.  My weight gain 
caused "The Metabolic Syndrome" including high blood pressure, high lipids, 
abdominal lipidocyte multiplication and Diabetes.  All these diseases just from 
one little attack of TM.

Take Care,


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