Yeah your toes do sound like arthritis but tell your doctor about it and
they can give you something for the pain.
Altho my big toe on my right side and the next toe is stuck in the up
position too. So I must have arthritis going on there too.
South Lake Tahoe Ca

Debi –I have noticed that my toes on my left foot (this is the strong side)
are curling up.  It involved my big toe and the toe right next to it.  As a
result, they rub in my shoe so I put a soft pad on them.  I thought it might
be arthritis in those toes, but maybe it is a result of TM.  At times, those
toes ache especially at night.  So far they don’t cramp up and I can’t
uncurl them.  I noticed the joint in the toes seems larger than the others
that is why I thought of arthritis.
Patti Wisconsin
From: Debi [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 1:22 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Feet
My doctor told me I have club foot on my right foot...and I am having a new
thing toes will curl under and give me a cramp in the bottom of
my feet...and I actually have to un curl my toes and hold them up and far as
I can for the cramp to happens several times a day and it wakes me
up at night.does anyone else have this?
Debi Wall 
South Lake Tahoe Ca 
Hello All,
I was wondering if any of you had one or both feet that wants to turn out.  
 My right foot leans to the right instead
Of walking straight.    When I straighten it, it feels like I am walking
pigeon-toed.    Do any of you have something
Like that?
Janice, Missouri


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