Hi Bobby Jim, To simply answer your question, NO.  In 1975 when the paralysis 
occurred, I was told that the inflamation from having the flu settled at the 
weakest part of my body which just happened to be in the lumbar spinal region. 
They said that was the reason I was paralyzed from the waist down. There's 
still one thing I don't understand. After about 4 months of being in the 
hospital, two days before I came home, my Neuro's came to my room and the next 
thing I knew, my dr.s and I were on a stage in a huge auditorium with hundreds 
of doctors in the audience asking questions all about my illness.  You have no 
idea how confusing this all is. Because whatever happened in 1975 came back in 
1994, and I have been told by many of the best doctors in NC that I will never 
walk again.  I am considering having my son take me to Johns Hopkins in MD 
where they actually have a TM Center.  Thank you so much for your concern. God 
Bless,  Anne

From: bobby jim <elbobber...@earthlink.net>
To: Anne Shreve <sthrnbll...@yahoo.com>
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Wed, October 14, 2009 2:18:07 PM
Subject: Re: RE: New Swine Flu Vaccine

Well, me missus was first diagnosed with TM in Sept 1997, with a lesion at T-8
A second attack in early '99 hit her at C-5,6.    A month later, she was on 
today, almost 500 shots later, she's doing just fine ..... considering that
her back is in constant but moderate pain
she gets a zoster when highly stressed out
and the latest, her ankles swell a bit, then the swelling goes away, and a few 
dayze later it comes back.    Go figger.
Did your neuro ever tell you where your lesion(s) were.......??     
(I don't think you have MS either.... but what do I noe.....;>);>);>)....????)
regards from Elvisland,     BobbyJim      
From: Anne Shreve   To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
>>Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 12:40 AM
>>Subject: [TMIC] RE: New Swine Flu Vaccine
>>Hi everyone, My name is Anne Shreve and I am currently 56 years young.  My 
>>daughter called me the other night with some very interesting news. She, 
>>first of all,  was listening to talk radio where they were discussing the 
>>vaccination with a panel of doctors. I won't go into every little detail, but 
>>the Doctors were saying that this is basically the same vaccine that people 
>>were given around the year 1974-1975, however, back then they were simply 
>>calling it the "flu vaccine". The thing that grabbed her attention was when 
>>the doctors stated that this vaccine left a large number of people with 
>>temporary paralysis, permanent disabilities, and in some cases death.  
>>I took that vaccine at work. About a week or so later I got the flu. I am 
>>talking about a flu that wrestles you to the ground and sometimes makes you 
>>wish it would just die to get out of the misery.  Then about 3 weeks later I 
>>went to bed feeling fine and awakened to find that I was completely paralyzed 
>>from my waist down. 
>>However, after a 4 month hospital stay, hundreds of tests, exhausting 
>>physical therapy, and the constant love and support of friends and family I 
>>was able to go home. I was still in a wheelchair, but over the next year and 
>>a half I had made a complete recovery.But about 20 years later I found out 
>>that "whatever" attacked me wasn't through with me yet.
>>In 1993 my legs started to feel as if they weighed 5 tons each. But no 
>>paralysis at all.  I was very quickly diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and 
>>currently my life exist in either the hospital bed or my power scooter. I 
>>have not walked one step now in almost 8 years. I live alone and I do pretty 
>>well. I also have 2 grown children that help me as much as they can.  I don't 
>>want any of you to get the wrong idea about me. I don't pity myself and I 
>>don't allow others to either.  For some reason this is the hand of cards I 
>>have been dealt and I plan to play them right up until the end.
>>However, I do have so many questions. I don't think I have MS. My neuro Dr. 
>>never even mentioned the meds out there to treat/slow down the progress of 
>>MS.  All I have ever been given is pain meds to keep me comfortable.
>>Keep me in your thoughts and prayers and if anyone has had an experience such 
>>as mine please share it with me and my family. 
>>God Bless you all for always being there.   Take care,  Anne


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