You are mistaken about the flu shot.    It is a totally dead injection.    
Nothing is alive - it can not give
you the flu or anything else.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Anne Shreve 
  Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 5:17 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] RE: New Swine Flu Vaccine

  Thanks, I fully intend on taking your advice. Enough is enough.  There is one 
thing I think I left out. In 1975 when I was diagnosed with TM, I had a 
mylogram. This is a test where the dr. inserts a catheter into your spine and 
dye is inserted up your spine and into your brain.  In 1994 when symptoms 
started recurring, after 5 mri's I was told that the dye was never extracted 
back in '75. Over the years it has hardened and destroyed almost all the myelin 
from the nerves leading away from my spine. Thanks again.  Anne

  From: "" <>
  Sent: Wed, October 14, 2009 10:41:43 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] RE: New Swine Flu Vaccine

  Lemme explain what the flu virus is, Doctors wont tell you this. You are 
infected with a certain strain of the virus in hopes that your immune system 
will build an anti body to it, should you ever catch it again. Did you hear me, 
THEY INFECTED YOU WITH THE FLU! I would get another opinion of the diagnosis, 
and yes, there are what's called the ABC Drugs for MS. The only two I can 
recall are B=Betaseron, and C=Copaxone. These are injectible drugs, not pills. 
You need to find a Neurologist that knows what he's talkin about.

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