Am so glad the tumor is shrinking - such great news!     But, as usual, nothing 
is easy.    You have really paid a price for
the "tumor improvement",  but this may be it for fighting extra battles.     
Hopefully, it will be a smoother sail from here 
until complete recovery.     We wish the best for you and your "Team".
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  To: Jill Hammond ; Transverse Mylitis Group ; Catherine 
  Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 7:56 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Update on Mike

  Hello Team Hammond,

  Mike, such good news to hear your tumor is shrinking!  Remember as Catherine 
said, we are all here still praying for you and Jill.  One day at a time, Mike. 
 One day. God Bless you and Jill.

  Love, Linda
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Catherine 
    To: Jill Hammond ; Transverse Mylitis Group 
    Sent: Sunday, October 25, 2009 4:16 PM
    Subject: Re: [TMIC] Update on Mike

    We are all here still praying for you and Jill.  God Bless You....may He 
hold you in the palm of his hand and give you comfort, release you of pain and 
keep you safe.

    Love Catherine   

    Life is short, Break the rules sometimes, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, 
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile

    From: Jill Hammond <3jmhamm...@clearwire.net>
    To: Anna & Jim <jnawil...@roadrunner.com>; Annie 
<annielyman1...@yahoo.com>; Becky & Steve <mcsmi...@adelphia.net>; Beth & Greg 
<g...@comcast.net>; Bob & Beverly <b.doerfl...@gmail.com>; Boyd 
<b...@boydbryant.com>; Carole Matteson <carolematte...@hotmail.com>; Char 
Brower <charsreti...@hotmail.com>; Cheryl Hammond <i...@todaydata.com>; Cindy 
Dunn <cdunn53...@aol.com>; Craig & Candi <bur...@comcast.net>; Craig Fiore 
<cr...@ultra6.eskimo.com>; fi...@dhs.gov; David Brooks <ba...@shawneelink.net>; 
David Gay <raega...@yahoo.com>; Denise & Pam <burpee...@msn.com>; Earl Fordham 
<earl.ford...@gmail.com>; Elaine Boos <elaineb...@bellsouth.net>; Eric & Eri 
<ericshamm...@hotmail.com>; Fred & Susan <graceann1...@charter.net>; Gil & Mari 
<cdav...@dc.rr.com>; James Fulmer <jedi...@gmail.com>; Jan Hlavaty-LaPosa 
<janet.hlavaty-lap...@dhs.gov>; Jim and Bobbi <jimbobk...@msn.com>; Johanna 
<mjber...@verizon.net>; Judy & Karl <romocharlo...@hotmail.com>; Keenan 
<kee...@seattlegeek.net>; Kendra <kwa...@comcast.net>; Lenny Lisa 
<len.l...@verizon.net>; Lisa <l...@lisalundt.com>; Lynn & Jade 
<lynn.mari...@pfpa.mil>; Mari & Gary <wordfromwis...@smtel.com>; marie swanson 
<swansonbythe...@comcast.net>; Mica Ward <m...@detech.net>; Mike & Nancy 
<mmccallis...@soundandsea.com>; Nancy <npurcell1...@yahoo.com>; Noah 
<n...@noahconrad.com>; Pat Allegretti <paa...@gmail.com>; Pat and Corky 
<pjgren...@hotmail.com>; Pat Doebele <grandmap...@comcast.net>; Pat Massey 
<patrick.mas...@dhs.gov>; Paula <paula.lazz...@attachmate.com>; PJ 
<pjn...@yahoo.com>; Ron <ron.brook...@att.net>; Sally <sa...@bsorenson.com>; 
Sarah Bell-Schell <maeb...@vandals.uidaho.edu>; Scott Hamilton 
<scotthamil...@live.com>; Sharon & Steve <pianica...@comcast.net>; Sheri Meyer 
<sheme...@cisco.com>; Steve & Gail <crescentc...@nwi.net>; Steve and Jo 
<stevejojohn...@msn.com>; Susan & Ted Roth <susanema...@mchsi.com>; Tmic 
<tmic-list@eskimo.com>; Tom & Deb <t...@ddoel.com>; vanessa Quinn 
<vanessa.qu...@dhs.gov>; Wayne <wme...@ci.everett.wa.us>; Zsolt & Patty 
    Sent: Sun, October 25, 2009 5:50:23 PM
    Subject: [TMIC] Update on Mike

    Well, here we are for the next update on Team Hammond.  The second round of 
Chemo finished on Wednesday, October 14.  Mike, at that point was also down to 
only 12 radiation treatments left.  After the treatment on Thursday the 15th, 
we had a consultation with the Doctor and he was very positive.   The tumor is 
definitely shrinking, Yeah, way to go Team, those prayers are working.   In all 
the rest of this, I am still loosing a little weight, went under 180 for the 
first time since around third grade somewhere.  One of the worst things about 
coming down off Chemo is that they give you steroids during it.  I don’t know 
if they are like the ones that some athletes take, but they can have them, you 
feel like you are on constant edge, cannot sit still or concentrate on 
anything.  That seems to be wearing down fast today.   Well,, this all amounted 
to too much of a good thing and Sunday, October 18th I went back into the 
hospital.  Jill was finally able to spring me yesterday, Saturday and so here 
we are once again trying to figure out what train hit us.  This one seems 
mostly caused by diarrhea and dehydration accompanied by an infection and 
assorted other complaints.  

    I have now found a new low.  The last time it only seemed bad, this time it 
was close to being unfathomable.  I could not seem to find a way out.  Every 
time I got to the bottom and wanted to give up I thought about all of you who 
have sent cards, emails, phone calls and kept in touch and kept up the prayers. 
 Once again that made all the difference in the world, and God bless you all 
for doing that. Jill will probably back this up, but I am a stubborn person at 
times.  At first I was hesitant, somewhat to ask for help, well, let me tell 
you that is gone.  I’m busy keeping the Lord going by turning over problems to 

    I will tell you that I am drawing on that well of thoughts and prayers 
often, there are times when this journey is measured one day at a time. Faith, 
and knowing there are a lot of people pulling for all of team Hammond, make it 
easier, to keep moving forward. I will let everyone know when my next, and last 
chemo session is going to happen as soon as I know, which should be this week.  
 By the way, this Tuesday may well be my last radiation treatment, thanks, from 
Team Hammond, of which you are all a part.    

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