Could not agree more, Janet.  Same with all providers.  There are lots of
chiropractors around but not all are good.  We need to find one that fits 
us' and that you can feel you can trust.  Sometimes it takes a few visits. 
The best advice is yours in asking around.  j

-------Original Message-------
From: Janet Dunn
Date: 11/12/2009 11:16:03 PM
To: 'Amanda Diskey';
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Fw: chiropractor
I have always used a chiropractor.  I used to take my kids to the
chiropractor when they had ear infections and he would adjust their necks,
and the ear infection would clear up.  
The chiropractor was my first appointment after my legs went numb.  I
totally trust my chiropractor.  But not all chiropractors are created equal.
Check around before you go to one.  Ask friends and acquaintances for a good
one that they recommend.  Good luck.  
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Amanda Diskey <>
Sent: Thu, November 12, 2009 3:14:13 PM
Subject: chiropractor

Does anyone here use a chiropractor or know if it is safe?  My shoulders and
neck hurt so bad, and I was wondering if it might help me.  the lady i
talked to also does massage which i will definitely do, but i was wondering
about the getting adjusted part.  it seems a little scary to me though. any
advice or thoughts?



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