My pain med is Vicodin.   It does help, but can not take much because of 
nausua.   When it gets a little warmer, I think I want to start back into
water therapy.   Did that before I got TM.    When you say you can tell a big 
difference after 3 months of water therapy, do you mean big difference
in pain?   Are your knees bone on bone?     We are injecting rooster's comb 
into my knee, but so far 3 times isn't doing it. (That is the norm).  He may 
have to do 5 times.   I am not bothered with knee pain when in bed, just when I 
get out of bed and try walking.   At night I have to use a walker.

Gunny, you are probably reading this.   Would you give me the muscles that need 
building up in the water?    I could use the help.  Thanks, Janice

Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2010 8:10 PM
To: ; 'kimr1999' ; ; 'Grace M.' ; 
Janice Nichols 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Yooo...hooo....TMIC Members, where are you?

Janice, glad to hear your shots helped with the nerve pain.  Regarding the knee 
- what pain meds are you on?  I was given Darvacet which didn't even begin to 
touch the pain.  Already have Vicodin on hand, but that doesn't work either.  
So don't take anything.  Just ice it.

However, I am in aqua therapy actually because of my knees.  I cannot have 
surgery of any kind.  I'm building my muscles up to help take some of the 
pressure off the knees.  It's been 3+ months now, and I can really tell a big 

Gunny was kind enough to give me a lot of great info on what muscles need to be 
built up and how to accomplish this in the water.  (thanks again, Gunny : )    
I'm so amazed by what I can do in the water that I canNOT do on land! 

About the pain - I was getting 4 hours of sleep at the most because of pain - 
thought I was going to lose my mind, so doc put me on Ambien CR - well, that's 
a hit and miss thing.  Instead of waking up after 4 hrs, I get to sleep maybe 5 
hrs.  It's gone on for so long now, I think I just can't break the cycle.  I'll 
chime in with the knee replacement thing after I see what others have to 
           Hey, thanks for keeping us colorful!!!

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Janice Nichols 
  To: ; 'kimr1999' ; 'L T CHERPESKI' ; ; 'Grace M.' 
  Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2010 6:46 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Yooo...hooo....TMIC Members, where are you?

  Actually, my nerve pain has been okay since my last shots(for back and legs). 
 Shots have never lasted this long.    But, I have an arthritic knee that one 
doc says needs
  to be replaced, but my pain management doc is trying to keep that from 
happening.   I have knee pain 24/7, but is better with pain meds, just don't 
like to take much.
  Doc's think that after TM hit and I started walking again, my gait changed to 
accommodate nerve pain and balance and it got the knee in bad shape.   If it 
isn't one thing,
  it will be another .     Have any of you had a knee replaced since you have 
had TM?

  From: Lori Biehler 
  Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2010 7:35 PM
  To: 'kimr1999' ; 'L T CHERPESKI' ; ; 'Grace M.' ; 
'Janice Nichols' 
  Subject: RE: [TMIC] Yooo...hooo....TMIC Members, where are you?

  Yup, yet that being said, I would rather hurt in the cold snow, than hurt in 
the freezing rain! For some reason, no clue why, it hurts more in the cold, 
cold rain than in the snow, even though it is colder when it snows! This winter 
is much better for me than last winter.


  From: kimr1999 [] 
  Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2010 8:28 PM
  To: L T CHERPESKI;; Grace M.; Janice Nichols
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Yooo...hooo....TMIC Members, where are you?


        well since were on tht cold... this winter has been the worst pain I 
have had to date. Anone else?

        --- On Sun, 1/31/10, Janice Nichols <> wrote:

        From: Janice Nichols <>
        Subject: Re: [TMIC] Yooo...hooo....TMIC Members, where are you?
        To: "L T CHERPESKI" <>,, "Grace 
M." <>
        Date: Sunday, January 31, 2010, 8:25 PM

        I am here and you are right, it is sooooo quiet.     I sent Frank a 
couple of pie recipes that we really like.    I think he needs to try them all 

        before he puts them in his book.           What subject does anyone 
want to talk or comment about?


        PS   I am trying to add color to our lives!



        From: L T CHERPESKI 

        Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2010 6:36 PM

        To: ; Grace M. 

        Subject: Re: [TMIC] Yooo...hooo....TMIC Members, where are you?


        Hi Grace,


        I'm here - but you're right - extremely quiet.  TOO quiet......


        And Frank - if you were asking for anything except pie recipes, I could 
help you out.  I learned many moons ago that I am not capable of making a good 
pie!!  I'm sure you'll get some good replies when everyone wakes up.



          ----- Original Message ----- 

          From: Grace M. 


          Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2010 5:02 PM

          Subject: [TMIC] Yooo...hooo....TMIC Members, where are you?


          Where is everyone?  The last msg that I got was from Frank, looking 
for pie recipes......


          Anyone out there?




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