I take a very small dose of Amytriptiline for my bladder. It's way overactive, so I take 4 mg. Detrol LA at night, and 25 mg of the other in the morning... They are planning on doing botox on my bladder to calm it down.

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On 26/04/2010 10:34 AM, Regina Rummel wrote:
Hi Jill,
I took it years ago for depression and OMG, it was awful!
The best way I can describe it is that I felt stoned. It was called Elavil then. In those days, they gave it to people in nursing homes to keep them quiet. But everyone reacts differently, so try it and let us know what happens, something good I hope. I take Neurontin but decided on my own to gradually decrease the dose, and eventually stop taking a medication that I believe bogus. So far, I see no difference in the pain and the darned TM symptoms.
Good luck with the Elavil.

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