Actually, an indwelling catheter should be a last resort. They create more infection since bacteria sets up a home on the catheter and they never fully drain the bladder (since the catheter opening sits over the balloon). Also, using an in-and-out catheter allows the bladder to expand and deflate naturally where with the foley, it doesn't do this, which can lead to further problems.

Maybe a different polity, but the neuro-urologists here are hightly against it if it can be avoided in any way. Believe me, when it started, it was the first thing I asked...but they prefer the botox route in my case. I see the neuro-urologist at the end of May and we'll probably be setting up the appointment for the procedure then. I know he's all for it since he's the one who interpreted my urodynamics study and suggested it in the first place (on the report).

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On 28/04/2010 6:12 AM, Alton Ryder wrote:
If you don't wear a skirt, have you considered an indwelling catheter, a Foley?

If you decide to try a Foley, have the first one inserted by a nurse and get beck to me for more advice.

The advantages of a Foley are: convenience (empty a small bag once or twice a day), far fewer UTI's, empty at home or office, not where you happen to be when demand insists, insert every two weeks.


On Apr 27, 2010, at 1:34 AM, Laura Beaudin wrote:

I cath 5 times a day. every 4 hours during the day, and I can stretch it to 6 at night. I'm still constantly incontinent, but going more often has become a quality of life issue. My bladder constantly over-reacts no matter what I do..I'd have to do it every 2 hours to stay dry. The botox will take care of that...I hope
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Laura, do you worry about the bladder stretching or would you set an alarm to get up during the nite to cath? I am assuming that you don't have enough feeling in the bladder to know when to go or to wake you up from sleep.
From: "Laura Beaudin" < <>>
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 9:36 PM
To: "Alton Ryder" < <>>
Cc: "tmic list" < <>>
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Amitriptyline

Botox is a paralytic,,will literally paralyze the bladder muscle..means I won't be able to pee without a catheter...but it's not like that's any different than now...just won't be incontinent all the time.

"You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him." -James D. Miles- ...empowering ourselves! Buying a used wheelchair? BUYER BEWARE!!!

On Practical-Homeschooling: 10 Free or Inexpensive Homeschool Options

On 26/04/2010 7:19 PM, Alton Ryder wrote:
Do you personally know that Botox is useful this way? I would expect Botox to weaken bladder spasms but not make them less frequent.


On Apr 26, 2010, at 1:00 PM, Laura Beaudin wrote:

 botox on my bladder to calm it down

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