I take just one thing for nerve pain and well being and that's low dose naltrexone.

I was without it for a week, because my neurologist refused to extend my prescription without seeing her. Last time I saw her in April of 09, she did nothing for me and she charged about $475. Her office is about a half a mile away and I live in a town with no paratransit -- there's no way fro me to get to the office. There was once an occasional schedule a ride to doctor service, but that has disappeared (another long sad story). Anyway I got a bit exercised with the staff and said if she made house calls, I was ready to see her, but until or unless they could arrange transportation--- after all she is the neurologist and should understand about being paralyzed and in a wheelchair-- couldn't they just call in my script. they did, finally and set up an appointment for tomorrrow which I've just had to cancell because there is no way for me to get there.

All this by way of saying I wasn't sure what it did ( I had forgotten) until i was without it again. It's been hard to regulate body temperature, I felt stabbing pains in my behind and pressure in my legs, like tubes being squeezed and stomped on--- of course this is all from the inside out, as I cannot feel touch.

The script arrived Monday, so I'm just getting back to  equilibrium again.

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