Hey Dalton,
This is wonderful news.  
A BIG Thanks to Brooks for knowing what it could be and what to do about it.  
We didn't know anything about this.
God forbid this happens to another TMer, 
we now know what to try first.
Please tell Brooks, Thanks from us too, for helping you.
Keep up the great health,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Sat, 8/21/10, Dalton Garis <malugss...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Dalton Garis <malugss...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [TMIC] new result.
To: "Kelly Jean Craig" <n2resea...@yahoo.com>, tmic-list@eskimo.com
Date: Saturday, August 21, 2010, 12:20 AM


I am sending you this copy of a letter I just sent to my brother, regarding TM 
since the time we accidently discovered that the homeopathic, 
magnesia-phosphorica, has made things different, as explained in the letter.

Everyone is different with TM.  In my case the physical damage was limited to 
neurological pain on my torso and left side, leg weakness, occasional trouble 
breathing and swallowing, dizziness and a few other things.  Occasionally, I 
was unable to walk; at other times, with a cane, around the apartment the cane 
was needed but not always.  

My main problem was with recurrent seizures which began by causing all-over 
spasms lasting for hours, but had become less severe physically, but mentally 
totally disrupting, where I would be incapable of speech or motion, and even 
handwriting was difficult, slow, and would cause a return of the convulsions.  
So, I would have to sit there staring blankly out in front, and just wait for 
it to pass in a couple of hours.

Any emotional excitement or mental confusion would bring this on; and as a 
college professor, it looked as if my career was over.

Then one afternoon while seizing up my brother told me to take three little 
tablets which were to be held under the tongue and not touched by hands or 
anything else.  They were to melt there, so no ingesting anything for about an 
hour.  Within 45 minutes the seizure had subsided and I was able to talk once 

Over the next week I took it several additional times, mostly when I felt a 
seizure coming on.  But the last time it didn’t work to stop or halt the 
seizure.  So, I thought, that was that, nice while it lasted but another dead 

Then, after another day or so, I noticed that the seizures were no longer with 
me in spite of being in very stressful situations which would definitely have 
caused me to seize up.  Now, almost a week later, with my strength returning 
and the disabilities slipping away—at least for now!  We’ve all been here 
before, I know!—I thought of sharing this letter with the TM community of 
friends on this email tree.


I am doing fine, better and better.  The magnesia-phosphorica ceased to work as 
it once had to stop a fit once started or to prevent one from coming on over 
the next few hours of being taken; however I think it broke up the chain of 
causation, or at least disrupted it, such that the body could take over 
recuperation from there.  

This is an important point: If things continue this dramatic turn-around on the 
road to better health and living unimpeded by TM symptoms, magnesia-phosphorica 
likely did not “cure” me of transverse myelitis.  (The transverse myelitis had 
already left the body in any case.  What was left was the debris and damage it 
had caused.)  But it may have repaired the minute connectivity damage--and 
thereby the chain of its effects—sufficiently, so that the body’s own will to 
balance and harmony could keep TM’s residual effects from being re-established 
again.  At least it is a good theory and model of what might be happening.  
Time will tell.  It appears the actual physical damage from TM might have been 
slight in my case; but it left the CNS channels clogged or something, so that, 
when mentally stressed or emotionally excited,  I would get these almost 
epileptic seizures every day.

Yet, in spite of the mental, emotional and physical stresses of the 12-hour 
plane flight—passport control, luggage, documentation, ambulation, the need for 
constant mental vigilance,  and lots of little things—I did not have even one 
fit, or jitter, or catch, or crash.  Of course, this could be coincident with 
the disease’s symptoms just leaving my body, suddenly, and during what is 
always a most stressful set of circumstances for everyone (not!).  But I think 
the quantitative likelihood of that is rather slim.

Now, Saturday, six days later, I am stronger and more in control of my body.  
My last fit was in the Whole Foods Supermarket in the Time-Warner building at 
Columbus Circle last Sunday the 15th.  Six days, and counting!  Leg weakness 
has vanished, as has all the neurological pain in the torso and left side.

I now take magnesium every day, and will continue to do so, along with vitamin 
B-12.  But as a dietary supplement these are, I think, palliative at best.  The 
“cure,” if it can be called that, has already occurred, from taking 
magnesia-phosphorica about a dozen times in the previous two weeks.

These brave statements of my doing fine now, and of the body being cleared of 
the effects of TM at last, are being made with the complete understanding that, 
after every other previous set of like-minded statements made, I have 
experienced severe and humiliating setbacks with TM’s residual symptoms, of 
fits, and fear of fits, of leg weakness and tissue pain, all coming back as 

Let’s see what happens this time!


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