Thanks, Todd, I'll try that!  I wanted to add that scented lotions make my legs 
burn more, especially lavender scented.  Thanks for the reply.
Have a wonderful day!

From: Todd Tarno <>
To: TMIC <>
Sent: Sun, September 19, 2010 3:36:42 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Re: Fw: Re: [TMIC] Feet Burns

Hey Priscilla,
If you're able to submerge your sunburn in a bathtub for 30 minutes,
Put 2 cups of Espon Salt into your warm bath water , 
because the water will get colder after a few minutes.
Too bad this doesn't work on burning feet. lol
Hope you're feeling better very soon,
Todd CC, TX

--- On Sun, 9/19/10, Priscilla Keene <> wrote:

>From: Priscilla Keene <>
>Subject: Fw: Re: Fw: Re: [TMIC] Feet Burns
>Date: Sunday, September 19, 2010, 1:09 AM
>Thanks for the suggestion about the support hose.  My right foot and my 
>What helps bloating of the stomach?  I have cut my Lyrica down to 2x 
>(75mg) from 
>3x a day, but it hasn't helped the swelling any.  My legs still burn a little, 
>but today I got sunburned and they are on fire now!  Lots of rest and sleep 
>me the most.  Guess I'd better go to bed now and see if I can go to sleep.
>Have a wonderful day!
From: "" <>
>To: Todd Tarno <>; TMIC <>
>Sent: Fri, September 17, 2010 3:53:58 PM
>Subject: Re: Re: Fw: Re: [TMIC] Feet Burns
>I think you are right about that Todd because I can feel the burning subside 
>when I put on my support hose. It will also cause my urine bag to fill faster 
>my legs give up the water from being squeezed by the hose. Just something I 
>noticed after I started wearing hose a few years ago....Cody in Austin 
>Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

>From: Todd Tarno <> 
>Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 12:28:06 -0700 (PDT)
>To: TMIC<>
>Subject: Fw: Re: Fw: Re: [TMIC] Feet Burns
>I have been told by my doctor that, Our feet burns more when our feet are 
>swollen, as the swelling goes down, our feet will not burn as much.  
>I have notice that my feet are now only 50% swollen and 
>I do believe the burning is 50% less.
>--- On Thu, 9/16/10, Janice Nichols <> wrote:
>>From: Janice Nichols <>
>>Subject: Re: Fw: Re: [TMIC] another wonderful night
>>To: "Janet Dunn" <>, "'Akua'" <>, 
>>Date: Thursday, September 16, 2010, 10:47 PM
>>I have similar feelings too in my feet.    A couple of weeks ago I spilt some 
>>juice on my foot and my neice grabbed a cloth and started washing it off.   
>>foot really
>>started spasming - scared us both.     I hate it when I am walking and the 
>>bottom of my foot will start to spasm - it almost makes you fall.
>>From: Janet Dunn 
>>Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 9:52 PM
>>To: 'Akua' ; 
>>Subject: RE: Fw: Re: [TMIC] another wonderful night
>>My feet burn too, in fact, lately I cannot dry the bottoms of them with a 
>>as it causes a very uncomfortable feeling.  I do know that since I have been 
>>taking 150mg of Lyrica 2x a day, the burning is not so bad.  They are just 
>>all the time.  Even when it is smokin hot outside, the feet, they stay cold!
>>From:Akua [] 
>>Sent: September 16, 2010 5:45 PM
>>Subject: Re: Fw: Re: [TMIC] another wonderful night
>>.  I do feel both of my feet feel like there should be flames coming off my 
>>feet. lol 
>Hope this helps, 
Todd in CC, TX 
my feet BURN too!
Akua in the southenr finger lakes, NY


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