Hi Jim,
    I'm sorry you had to join our group,but glad you found us.
    This bunch of caring individuals will be here for you. Ask about anything 
and you will get help. As you can see from the posts here,everyone has bad 
times. But the people here have been through it all,and understand what you are 
    This group has seen me through so much;just knowing you're not alone in 
this helps. 
    Do you have physical therapy? Are you on an antidepressant?
Don't get me wrong,you have every right to be depressed. The sudden onset of tm 
is  horrible. I went from fine to paralyzed in about 5 hrs,had IV solumedrol 
for a week,and left rehab after 37 days using a walker. Got better for a 
while,used a cane and am now with the walker again. But so many residuals; 
numbness,tingling,burning pain,a viselike feeling around my 
trunk,hypersensitivity in some areas,extreme tiredness after doing very 
little;the list goes on and on.
    You say you can't imagine living this way,but somehow you do go on. I once 
thought I would fully recover and go back to my nursing job. Well,here I am 
after more than 15 yrs-- a survivor of tm,plugging along and doing my best day 
to day.
   I'm so sorry for all you've lost,but you have a family that loves you.  I 
wiill say prayers for you and your family.
     Cheryl in Easthampton,MA.

--- On Tue, 9/28/10, James Berg <molokai...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: James Berg <molokai...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [TMIC] It's my birthday
To: kimharrison...@comcast.net
Cc: "john snodgrass" <jcs...@yahoo.com>, "transverse myelitis" 
<tmic-list@eskimo.com>, rn11...@yahoo.com
Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2010, 1:50 AM

I'm Jim and I've only had TM for 6 months.  I'm 63 and have led a very active 
life here in Hawaii.  In a two day period in March I became paralyzed from the 
waist down.  No bladder or bowel function.  A week of Solu-medrol and then a 
week of IVIG treatment that cost 27,000 and no results.  Neither my wife or 
I are able to work (she cares for me) and we are going into bankruptcy.  We've 
lost the house and live with my son. I cry for my wife who has to suffer with 
me.  I pray and pray for relief.  I have almost committed suicide several times 
but leaving my wife that way has held me together.  I can not imagine living 
like this for 10 or more years.  Kudos to all of you who have managed some 
level of happiness.

On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 12:41 PM, <kimharrison...@comcast.net> wrote:

Yes we all have days like this... my 6 year "anniversay" is comming up oct 6th 
and it's hard not to dwell on how my life changed so much within a few hours... 
to go from being so active to tired just getting out of bed and try to explain 
to others how I feel. my TM family gets me thru so much!

----- Original Message -----
From: "john snodgrass" <jcs...@yahoo.com>
To: rn11...@yahoo.com
Cc: "transverse myelitis" <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 5:56:11 PM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] It's my birthday

Rob is right.
yesterday i had a terrible day. wanted to go visit my 79 year old dad and 
chair to bed all day!
there was an accident below my home Saturday evening and i wanted to hurry to 
see if i could help or was it family or what and i almost fell down a lot of 
if i wanted to be sure on my feet i should use a stick or a walker but i am 
hard headed and wont s i look like a drunk man walking.
today was a little better but still a lot of pain.
I am @ 2.5 years into this thing and there was one day when i was so frustrated 
that i cried.
sometimes you have to if you have to.
 i think self pity is natural when it comes to health problems.
anyone who would cast a bad light on someone for that just may find themselves 
in a worse condition.
not long after I had my virus in my spine i found out that one of my best 
friends had a virus that went to his heart.
he is still functioning who who woulda thunk it!
sometimes i just want to walk right out of this body.
then i think of my loved ones and friends,and of course you folks that fight 
this same fight with me.
keep on the firing line.
tomorrow is a better day.

--- On Mon, 9/27/10, rn11...@yahoo.com <rn11...@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: rn11...@yahoo.com <rn11...@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: [TMIC] It's my birthday
To: "Robert Pall" <rp...@neillsupply.com>
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Date: Monday, September 27, 2010, 5:39 PM

   I think everyone has days that tm is overwhelming. There have been several 
days lately that I've cried about all that I lost when tm struck me on 8/13/95. 
Except for those here on the list,nobody "gets it" and how hard just getting 
out of bed and functioning every day is.
I thank all of you for being here.
   Yes Rob,tomorrow will be a better day!
          Cheryl in Easthampton,MA.

--- On Mon, 9/27/10, Robert Pall <rp...@neillsupply.com> wrote:

From: Robert Pall <rp...@neillsupply.com>
Subject: RE: [TMIC] It's my birthday
To: alle...@aol.com, tmic-list@eskimo.com
Date: Monday, September 27, 2010, 3:21 PM

What a coincidence ...today is my Bar Mitzvah ...it is exactly 13 years for me 
today...not sure how to celebrate. I came down with TM one week after my 50th 
birthday....therefore when i had my big 10 year mark it was the first time I 
allowed myself self pity...I broke down for a day or two and just felt so much 
self pity......and then i realized how many wonderful things I have and I went 
back to my normally positive attitude....but today after 13 years I just think 
when I go home I will have a good cry & allow myself tonight to feel sorry for 
myself. Tomorrow will be a better day!
Ella ...give yourself a little time to grieve for what you have lost and then 
do your best to put it behind you...
All the best!
Rob in New Jersey  

From: alle...@aol.com [mailto:alle...@aol.com] 
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 2:28 PM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] It's my birthday

Hello everyone,
Today I am TM 10 and not sure of how I feel. The fact that it is cloudy out 
doesn't help either. Ten years ago I went into a coma and awoke weeks later not 
able to move anything, not even my head. Eventually I got everything back but 
my legs and what happened in the 90's. Am I depressed? I say I am but doctors 
don't think so, just a bit of sadness. I think I live 80% in my head so I don't 
dwell on the pain below and everything else that goes along with TM. Am I 
scared? Sometimes when I think yes this is my new life knowing how bad I want 
the old. You guys are a God-send and the support we give each other is beyond 
words. Thanks, I thought I was feeling sorry for myself but writing this made 
me feel better, have a great day........Ella


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