
I hear you. 11/14/2005 I fell to the floor and have yet to stand. I live alone, have been abandoned by friends and family, lost my employment ( fired because I was in a wheelchair), almost lost my home twice when a pipe burst while I was in another city in rehab, lost all my savings. TM destroyed life as I knew it. YET I breathe without assistance, think, dream and write. It is infinitely less than what I want, or what I did. But there are still ways to be, to contribute and things to enjoy.

I have help once a week for two hours to do grocery shopping because that's all I am allowed. I can't afford to pay the $50/hour "private pay" so United Way offers subsidized assistance --
so I pay $25 a week to get my $60 worth of groceries.

If there were some modicum of infrastructure here--- paratransit-- I could get therapy and work and shop for myself. As there is none, I get none.

I envy you Hawaii and ream of winning some prize that would enable me to move somewhere
that it is warm all year -- I'm in upstate New York.

I join you in prayer and live in hope for reprieve, healing, relief. One moment at a time Jim. In this moment, I am up, the sun shines, pain is at a low murmur and I am keying in the thoughts.

Strength and perseverance,

I'm Jim and I've only had TM for 6 months. I'm 63 and have led a very active life here in Hawaii. In a two day period in March I became paralyzed from the waist down. No bladder or bowel function. A week of Solu-medrol and then a week of IVIG treatment that cost 27,000 and no results. Neither my wife or I are able to work (she cares for me) and we are going into bankruptcy. We've lost the house and live with my son. I cry for my wife who has to suffer with me. I pray and pray for relief. I have almost committed suicide several times but leaving my wife that way has held me together. I can not imagine living like this for 10 or more years. Kudos to all of you who have managed some level of happiness.


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