I was taught "sterile technique" and still had UTIs throughout the months in the hospital and nursing home. Soon as I was out of the institutional filth, no more UTIs ( knock on wood).

Wonder if there is something like the condom cath for women....

When I was getting ready to leave the hospital the dr.s were telling me I had to cath every four hours after I left. Yet they were changing my cath in the hospital every three days? I argued that the more cathing that was done, the more the chance of infection increased. winning that battle I pushed for the condom catheter and that was used for the last week of my stay. I have been on the condom cath for 7 months now and even though it comes off now and then when I am transfering in or out of my chair, it still is way beter and cheaper than the internal cath. My wife and wonderful caretaker devised a method of taping the condom cath in place with two bands of narrow tape and it works prety well. I have had no bladder infections like I did when I was in the hospital with the internal cath. On Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 1:12 PM, Akua <<mailto:a...@artfarm.com>a...@artfarm.com> wrote:

That's what i was told, too. The perils of relying on the Foley were frighteningly depicted.

and it was given as the reason why, as i was still in the hospital, my foley was removed and i was told to self-cath. ( a fairly brutal process, no teaching, lots of yelling sigh, how TM has exposed me to some hideous people)


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