I have had a Foley for several years. At first I had UTI's including ones 
so bad I had to be hospitalized. Then the Dr. put me on a maintenance 
Antibiotic 75mg of Nitrofurantonin the generic for Macrobid. This was my idea 
not the doctors' because a paraplegic friend of mine had recommended it to me. 
He has Suprapubic foley which is essentially the same thing except it goes into 
the bladder through a hole made by the urologist. These work great for people 
that are thin but not so good for fluffy guys like me.  I did the self Cathing 
routine and tried the condom catheters but I just hated the leaking accidents 
and the changing clothes. The foley with a leg bag is great and if you want to 
drink a bunch of beer all you have to do is get you a bigger bag. LOL! The 
worst accident I have had is just the other day the velcro strap came loose and 
the bag fell off my leg. Of course I didn't notice because I don't have feeling 
in my legs. I notice when I hit that bag with my electric wheel chair though. I 
am talking one big mess. That bag just exploded when that tire hit it. But like 
the saying goes "You haven't lived until you pee in your tennis shoe". LOL! 
    Also I quit letting the my two little dogs on the bed. No telling what's on 
those little feet have on them when they come in from the backyard. Cats are 
bad too because they climb out of their litter box and straight to the bed to 
be petted. I don't have a cat, thank goodness. 
    Anyway I decided to quit taking the Antibiotic a couple of months back and 
sure enough within a month or so I had a UTI so now I want quit taking it 
again. Just wanted to find out if it was working and that didn't take long at 
all. Oh well that's my story hope it helps someone......Cody in Austin

From: James Berg 
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 3:54 PM
To: Akua 
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Foley caths--Condom cath

When I was getting ready to leave the hospital the dr.s were telling me I had 
to cath every four hours after I left.  Yet they were changing my cath in the 
hospital every three days?  I argued that the more cathing that was done, the 
more the chance of infection increased.  winning that battle I pushed for the 
condom catheter and that was used for the last week of my stay.   I have been 
on the condom cath for 7 months now and even though it comes off now and then 
when I am transfering in or out of my chair, it still is way beter and cheaper 
than the internal cath.  My wife and wonderful caretaker devised a method of 
taping the condom cath in place with two bands of narrow tape and it works 
prety well.  I have had no bladder infections like I did when I was in the 
hospital with the internal cath.  

On Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 1:12 PM, Akua <a...@artfarm.com> wrote:

  That's what i was told, too. The perils of relying on the Foley were 
frighteningly depicted.

   and it was given as the reason why, as i was still in the hospital, my foley 
  removed and i was told to self-cath. ( a fairly brutal process,  no teaching, 
lots of yelling sigh, how TM has exposed me to some hideous people)


    On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 11:16 AM, Laura Beaudin <laura.beau...@gmail.com> 

      Apparently, from what I've been told, the filling and voiding of the 
bladder play a big role in kidney health. I'm going to be preparing an article 
shortly about bladder care where I'll also be formally interviewing my 
urologist (among others). I'll be sure to get a better explanation at the same 


      www.laurabeaudin.com --NOT just another blog!



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