Fun...but I know it can take a while...took me 10 years to get a positive
MRI...and by then it wasn't just 1 lesion, it was 6.

How long have you been in Abu Dhabi? I HATED teaching in Saudi--kept getting
fired because I refused to give grades that weren't deserved...especially
when it came to the royals--go figure!
Laura --NOT just another blog!

On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 9:56 AM, Dalton Garis <> wrote:

>  Well;
> I was MRI-d this summer and they found no evidence of demyelination (but
> couldn’t rule out inflammation, of course).  I have also been tested for
> epilepsy and they didn’t find any, but found pseudo-epilepsy—whatever that
> is.  They did find “brainstem anomalies” in the MRI and the brainstem is the
> switching authority for the brain-body coordination.
> Then everyone lost interest.  And that is as far as it has gone.  I have a
> dr who keeps me in Lyrica prescriptions; but has no further interest in the
> case.
> Dalton
> ------------------------------
> *From: *Laura Beaudin <>
> *Date: *Sun, 7 Nov 2010 09:47:05 -0700
> *To: *Dalton Garis <>
> *Cc: *Barbara Alma <>, <>
> *Subject: *Re: [TMIC] hello out there
> Dalton,
> Have you been properly screened for MS?
> Laura
> <>  --NOT just another
> blog!
> On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 9:23 AM, Dalton Garis <> wrote:
> Actually;
> I had a day-long attack of spasms yesterday which left me unable to control
> either my hands and arms, legs, torso or speech.  Every time I tried to talk
> I would cramp up. And Elvis was definitely being channeled in my body.
>  Thank heavens I had the assistance of a very nice and strong maid who
> visits me once a week.  It was her day to visit and she stayed with me and
> helped me to the bathroom and into and out of chairs.  It was hard to sit
> down because I couldn’t make my body bend and I’d just slide off.  But we
> got it under control.  She had to help me drink and eat.  I would grab the
> coffee cup handle and then could not make my hand let go.
> In the mean time I was so grateful for her assistance and that the Lord was
> taking care of me that I was also as high as a kite and proposing marriage
> to chairs and such.
> Today was the beginning of the work week here (Abu Dhabi) and I did
> alright.  But the lecture kept going off on these tangents making it hard
> for my class to take useful notes.  It was because my mental state was still
> flying around the cosmos.
> What is going on here?  OK, I have TM in my upper spine; but what is this
> mental derangement stuff?  I sure wish the drs could find out what is wrong
> with me.
> Dalton
> ------------------------------
> *From: *Barbara Alma < <> >
> *Date: *Sun, 7 Nov 2010 00:48:22 -0400 (EDT)
> *To: *< <> >
> *Subject: *[TMIC] hello out there
> *Resent-From: *< <> >
> *Resent-Date: *Sat, 6 Nov 2010 21:48:30 -0700
> Well, I guess since nobody has written in that all must be going well for
> everyone.  It's very good to hear this.  I do think that it is a good idea
> to keep this list going though in case there are any newbies who may need us
> and don't think there is anyone here to listen to them.
> If a couple of days pass without any messages, let's send in a message or
> two.
> Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

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