i have been on baclofen for over 2 years. i am supposed to take 100mg a day but 
usually just take 80.
the people that make the stuff say to take no more than 80 but my neuro told me 
to take 100.
mine is a 20 mg pill.
sometimes it makes me a little sleepy.
it has helped with the spasms in my legs but not a whole lot with the banding 
in my right side.

if i do not take it I not only have more pain with spasms but i jerk a lot.
John in WV
--- On Wed, 11/24/10, Robert Pall <rp...@neillsupply.com> wrote:

From: Robert Pall <rp...@neillsupply.com>
Subject: [TMIC] Baclofen
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Date: Wednesday, November 24, 2010, 9:34 AM

Need a little help. I am presently weaning myself off of Cymbalta (hated it!) 
and am down to 30 mg from 60 mg and I will be off of the Cymbalta within about 
2 more weeks. Once I am finished with the Cymbalta I am going to retry ( I 
tried it more than 10 years ago) Baclofen. The Neuro gave me a prescription of 
10mg 3 times a day…but he told me to build up to this dosage over time and to 
cut back on the dosage if my leg starts to buckle. My question is for those who 
use Baclofen (not the pump) what are the dosages you take. Also let me know the 
benefits ….I am hoping it will reduce the excessive banding…..and any negative 
side effects Baclofen has caused you.
Much thanks…and everyone…Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! 
Rob in New Jersey 


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