Oh Jane -- I am so, so sorry. I cannot imagine -- both of my parents have
passed on, and as hard as that is, I don't think it can compare with losing
a child. My heart, thoughts, and prayers are with you and your family.

Barbara H.

On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 12:11 PM, <celr...@aol.com> wrote:

>  Since you are all part of my cyber family I wanted to ask for prayer for
> my family and me.  My daughter died yesterday. She was 41 and diabetic, on
> dialysis, poor health.  Her daughter was with her and it was sudden.  She
> didn't say anything just collapsed and that was it. She had been through
> soooo much all her life and now she is at rest with the Lord. Her name is
> Pamela Caldwell.  No more needles and hospitals. Please forgive me if I
> offend anyone but I needed to talk.
> Jane/Splendora Tx

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