OK . . .

What is a spinal chord stroke?  Is it when the cord is deprived of
blood?--because I have these on a weekly basis due to diminished flow from 7
fusions and damage after an industrial accident.  When I exert myself,
the‹something‹swells and the next day I will lose control of my limbs and
will have severe muscle contractions lasting 10-20 seconds, frost on the
front of my body, then on the back of my body.

These are the "attacks" I have been mentioning.  A medication change won't
help, because it is due to TM hitting the brainstem, and so I have these
inflammations every week.  I am weak and unable to walk for a couple of
days, except from bed or chair to the bathroom.

Any thoughts?--and my gratitude for this site and all my new friends, who
suffer far more difficulties than I.

Dalton Garis

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Office: +971-02-607-5070/5297
Mobile: +971-055-800-6619

From:  Alton Ryder <a-ry...@comcast.net>
Date:  Thu, 17 Mar 2011 16:16:02 -0400
To:  Todd Tarno <toddtm2...@sbcglobal.net>
Cc:  TMIC <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Subject:  Re: [TMIC] Back problems before TM
Resent-From:  <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Resent-Date:  Thu, 17 Mar 2011 22:55:47 -0700

I believe that a spinal stroke was the source of my problems as well. Dr.
Kerr concurred.

The spinal fluid was clear of leukocytes.


On Mar 9, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Todd Tarno wrote:

> I might have had a spinal cord stroke

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