perhaps the subject is quiet on here in the social list,perhaps you have been 
getting private emails,hope so,
My mind just goes blank to think about it.
we are survivors or we wouldnt have lasted this long!
I trust that you will find ways and means to get by another day then another 
then another.
you have my prayers,and Im not just saying that.
God knows we dont have the answers for these things but we do have each 
other,friends to lean on,to vent on.
Im not gonna spew about me,,this is about you,and you are special.
wish I was close enough to punch you in the shoulder and say,,hang in there.
when you have opportunity think right thoughts.

you will have to force it,we all do with one thing or another.

things will change,,they always do.
Love in Christ.....
John the red-neck transverse myelitis mangled Baptist in WV

--- On 

Sat, 6/18/11, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: Re: [TMIC] I need you guys....
To: "Jeron Rampersad" <>,
Date: Saturday, June 18, 2011, 2:45 AM

#yiv362399079 .yiv362399079hmmessage P {
#yiv362399079 .yiv362399079hmmessage {

Oh Jeron
 . . . just know that 
we are here, for you.  

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  Sent: Friday, June 17, 2011 1:24 PM
  Subject: [TMIC] I need you guys....

  Hi guys, 
Sorry I have been away for so long. I've been through hell since 
  January 1st this year with my complications with TM. I started having really 
  bad spasms then and I just thought they were normal, but here was our little 
  friend TM acting up again through an infection I managed to pick up in 
  I was treated and got better and my wife and I were relocated to the 
  Caribbean, where we are from, by her company just after that. We moved and 
  things settled nicely for a while, but with TM a while is all you have. I got 
  another attack. I've been hospitalised on 7 separate occasions since then 
  to deal with pain, because sadly neurology is not a practised science in the 
  caribbean. My wife endured all the while at my side. At least she did for a 
She finally got fed up of it all, seeing me spasm out of control 
  in loads of pain must have been hard. She left me in mid April and I have 
  trying to cope since, but it's really hard. I love my wife and hate that I 
  her through so much, but I never thought she would have left. We haven't 
  spoken in a month now and I have medical bills piling up and it's getting 
  scary now. I just need to catch a break. It's more challenging now than when 
  was first hit by TM, because for the first time in my life I'm truly alone. I 
  know my faith is being tested; I wish I knew what God wanted from me. I need 
  you guys.....

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