The social security you paid was to support those retired while you worked.
The social security you collect today is what those working now pay while
you are retired.  It is a pay-as-you-go system and is unfunded.  That is the
only way FDR could get Congress to pass it.  What funding there is covers
the medical-disability side.  But when I got my first social security card
as a fourteen-year-old farm worker there were thirteen workers for every
retired person; now, there are less than four workers per retiree.

What really needs fixing is that we need to go back to a graduated income
tax system, where the rich pay higher marginal tax rates as they earn more.
Since 1985 there has been a transfer of wealth earnings from the middle
class and working poor over to the rich.  This has bankrupted our country
economically and emotionally.

And we need to charge social security taxes on every dollar earned, and not
just the first $100,000 earned; so that those making millions pay their fair
share for the benefits they have used to amass their wealth in this freest
of all market economies on earth.

Up until around 1985, the Chairman and CEO of Disney Corp. made about 100
times more than the lowest paid worker in the Disney organization.  Now, he
makes around 20,000-times more than the lowest paid worker in the
organization, an obscene amount of money.  Were all the top CEOs dumb-bells
before 1985 and just market-savants now?  Nonsense!

But America has embraced the lottery life, wherein there is always the
chance, no matter how ridiculously remote, of becoming filthy-rich.  They
like that idea so much now that they think anyone suggesting a reduction in
the extremes of wealth and poverty, as existed 40 years ago, as either nuts
or anti-American.

What if everyone in the state saw their taxes cut, so that they received
$50.00 more in their pockets per year, but it meant that evening public
library hours would be cancelled, or that Meals-on-Wheels would only run
three days per week?  How many would be for it?  That is what it really
means when your governor announces having saved the state $350 million in
taxes this year.

As you drink water from the well, don't forget about those who dug it.

Dalton H. Garis, Ph.D
Associate Professor,
Economics and Commodity Price Behavior
The Petroleum Institute
P.O. Box 2533, Umm al Nar
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Office: +971-02-607-5070/5297
Mobile: +971-50-668-5760
New York: (718) 271-2738

From:  john snodgrass <>
Date:  Wed, 17 Aug 2011 09:20:45 -0700 (PDT)
To:  pat cooley <>, Janice Nichols
<>, kevin weilacher <>
Cc:  Roger & Terese Pratt <>, tmic-list
Subject:  Re: [TMIC] Definition
Resent-From:  <>
Resent-Date:  Wed, 17 Aug 2011 09:22:22 -0700

seams like i seen this is obama-care?
then again what if i were the farmer from long ago. once i am not able to
take care and if i have no sons or sons-n-laws,,,,i just wait my turn to

we are a spoiled bunch but i am soooooooo thankful for the spoil!

then again i paid for years into social security so i am just collecting
from what should be mine,,,,,reckon im not a taker after all.

but wait!
i have a food stamp card!

thanks for the food stamp card!

--- On Wed, 8/17/11, kevin weilacher <> wrote:
> From: kevin weilacher <>
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] Definition
> To: "pat cooley" <>, "Janice Nichols"
> <>
> Cc: "Roger & Terese Pratt" <>, "tmic-list"
> <>
> Date: Wednesday, August 17, 2011, 11:17 AM
> The problem that I see with what Nietzsche said, is that there are many people
> that are not "invalids" as I am assuming in his people that
> are disabled....
> That are as much as or even more of a drain on society.....and use it to their
> advantage.....perhaps in different ways than being dependent on a physician or
> medicine, but a drain on society nonetheless...(our prison system for
> one....or those that work the system in regards to welfare)
> I see his view as being totally ridiculous....
> Kevin
> N.E. Ohio (Canton)
> From: pat cooley <>
> To: Janice Nichols <>
> Cc: Roger & Terese Pratt <>; tmic-list
> <>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2011 10:48 AM
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] Definition
> I second that, Janice.
> Patti
> On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 9:44 AM, Janice Nichols <
> </mc/compose?> > wrote:
>> Nietzche is an ___hole!!!!!    Sorry if I offended anyone, but I couldn't
>> believeI  I just read such a statement.       Who of us earthlings can
>> determine whose life is being invalid/not valid?    Who makes that
>> decision  -  only healthy people?        What a jerk!!!!!!
>> Janice
>> -----Original Message----- From: Roger & Terese Pratt
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2011 3:14 PM
>> To: tmic-list
>> Subject: [TMIC] Definition
>> This is how I feel some times as an invalid (or is that invalid as in not
>> valid).  I know it is wrong, but if Nietzshe said it, it must have been
>> thought many times before.  Just having a bad day, I'll be more up tomorrow.
>> "The invalid is a parasite on society. In a certain state it is indecent to
>> go on living. To vegetate on in cowardly dependence on physicians and
>> medicaments after the meaning of life, the right to life, has been lost ought
>> to entail the profound contempt of society."
>> -Friedrich Nietzsche
>> - Roger in Kennewick, WA

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