Jeron, I enjoy seeing your posts on facebook, but you are right, this is the 
best place for TM conversations.  This is our TM family and I find it a great 
support. - Roger in Kennewick, WA

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeron Rampersad" <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 4:51:37 AM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] gone to facebook

Hey guys, 
I too am on facebook, but to me this seems more appropriate. I get honest and 
open discussions from you guys and that's something I need to have. On facebook 
your privacy is not kept and sometimes things I'll say on here aren't things 
that i would share naturally with family or friends that don't understand TM 
and the life that I am forced to endure. Also, with my current situation, going 
through a messy divorce and traveling by myself for the last few months, I'd 
like to be as discreet about my life as possible. I can only find solace here 
and you guys give more value to my life than the people I'd always pray would 
understand instead of thinking of me as a burden. So, I'm always going to be 
right here.....where I found the most beautiful bunch of people on the planet. 
Jeron, from Planet Earth! 

Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 04:03:18 -0500 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] gone to facebook 

Hi Linda et all, 
  I'm still here with ya'll, but I do have the Facebook along with this.  And I 
wouldn't dream of leaving this list either.  This is where it all began, and 
it's like a warm blanket.  I don't post much as it's always the same, day after 
day; nothing to report. But that has a good side I guess.... lol.  Take care 
and God Bless! 
Bernie in burning Texas 

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