I'm in;

I have learned so much here.

By the way, I went more than two weeks without a seizure attack, those fits
that stiffened me up across the back so that I slid off the chair onto the
floor like a pine board.  It has been since 9 January 2010 when I got the
first one and I have been gurneyed many times with seizures since.  I got a
bad one the other day, however, from the fantastic joy I felt being back in
New England in the fall, with its pungent scents of wet leaves, and all the
colors, and the sun beams playing in their midst.  The pure joy just
exploded in my head and I seized up.

But since leaving that furnace country the Gulf Middle East, the spells and
fits have become fewer.  Only after a shower or heavy emotional or physical
exertion do I have to worry about seizing up.

Thanks, all,


From:  Patricia Cooley <patticoole...@gmail.com>
Date:  Sat, 8 Oct 2011 09:28:29 -0500
To:  Transverse Myelitis <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Subject:  [TMIC] Good Morning All
Resent-From:  <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Resent-Date:  Sat, 8 Oct 2011 07:30:39 -0700

> I have been on this site since the summer of 2008.  I am so glad to see more
> activity here.  I am on the TM facebook sites, but I miss so many of the
> people here who don't FB.  I hope we see a lot more postings from all of you.
> At times all the posting on FB is just over whelming.
> Patti - Wisconsin

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