Hey guys,
I need some advice. Most of you would remember my wife leaving me in April of 
this year. Since then I've found acceptance of my lonliness and it really was 
not too bad. 
Anyway, some 2 months ago I met up an old friend from way back and well, let's 
just say sometimes life just has a way of hooking 2 people up. My problem is 
I'm going away with her this weekend to a resort on the island of Tobago for 
her birthday. I'm kind of wondering if I'm ready to spend a weekend with 
someone alone. Haven't thought about that since my separation/divorce. What if 
I start having real feelings for her? What if she wants more out of this 
"relationship" after this weekend, even though we spoke about it at lenght. I 
was really honest with her from the get go, suppose honesty becomes my downfall?
Should I be scared guys? or should I just go and have fun....forget 
TM/fibromyalgia/vasculitis for a weekend and enjoy the company of a woman who I 
might like?

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