Hey guys,
Just to let you know, I had an amazing time. It was the most perfect weekend 
really. I can't remember ever being so relaxed. I did have a bit of a rough 
night on Sunday after I took her Scuba diving, but it was well worth it. The 
entire weekend was fun, we both had a really great time.
I owe you guys a lot for your encouragement, I was really worried about 
nothing. I guess I thought I wasn't ready, but now I know I'm still attractive 
to the opposite sex and I can still put a smile on a woman's face. 
>From the bottom of my heart guys, Thanks....

From: em...@telephonelady.com
To: rumc...@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: [TMIC] is it too early? (off topic)
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2011 11:22:19 -0400

Hi Jeron,


Was just
wondering how did you enjoy your weekend?  Did you both have a great time?




From: Emily [mailto:em...@telephonelady.com] 

Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011
2:21 PM

To: 'Jeron Rampersad'

Subject: RE: [TMIC] is it too
early? (off topic)


alternative would be to continue to hide the REAL you……then get
further into the relationship….and then she finds out and wonders why you
didn’t tell her about all of this sooner.  I say…get it out
there…let her know the REAL you before both of you get so entangled that
it becomes even more difficult to get it out in the open.  Why not give
her a call right now and tell her of your concerns?  Tell her what you
have is painful…..and it is a part of who you are.  Just a




From: Jeron Rampersad

Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011
2:03 PM

To: em...@telephonelady.com

Subject: RE: [TMIC] is it too
early? (off topic)


Thanks Emily,

We've "been" together already, but didn't spend a night together as
yet. So, she gonna see me with all my pills and the routine I go through every
night to fall asleep. I'm really afraid that I won't be able to hide my pain
for the entire weekend. It might be too much to see so soon, do you know what I


From: em...@telephonelady.com

To: rumc...@hotmail.com

Subject: RE: [TMIC] is it too early? (off topic)

Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2011 13:47:27 -0400



My suggestion
is just go and enjoy yourself.  If “something”
happens……so be it.  Life is too short.  Enjoy each day
you have here on earth…..because as you already know life can change in a
split second.  


Have you met
with her already?  Does she know about your disability?  My husband
has no feeling from the waist down so “nothing” is happening here
but our relationship was so good and strong before this TM came into our life
that we are able to sustain our love for each other without
“something” happening in the bedroom.  


I hope all
goes well with her…..have a good time….and come back on Monday and
let us know how it went this weekend.  I wish you luck…..you deserve
some happiness in your life.







From: Jeron Rampersad

Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011
12:42 PM

To: tmic-list@eskimo.com

Subject: [TMIC] is it too early?
(off topic)


Hey guys,

I need some advice. Most of you would remember my wife leaving me in April of
this year. Since then I've found acceptance of my lonliness and it really was
not too bad. 

Anyway, some 2 months ago I met up an old friend from way back and well, let's
just say sometimes life just has a way of hooking 2 people up. My problem is
I'm going away with her this weekend to a resort on the island of Tobago
for her birthday. I'm kind of wondering if I'm ready to spend a weekend with
someone alone. Haven't thought about that since my separation/divorce. What if
I start having real feelings for her? What if she wants more out of this 
"relationship" after this weekend, even
though we spoke about it at lenght. I was really honest with her from the get
go, suppose honesty becomes my downfall?

Should I be scared guys? or should I just go and have fun....forget
TM/fibromyalgia/vasculitis for a weekend and enjoy the company of a woman who I
might like?




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