It has indeed been very quiet.

So: Has anyone used Ritalin for seizure control?  I get what must be called
"Brain-lock" seizures, where my brain just locks up and I become stiff from
head to toe, lose speech and coordination, for some spell of time.

That is because the lesion was on the brainstem, the pons, whatever that is.

I am trying this Ritalin, and so far the results are good.


From:  <>
Date:  Mon, 28 Nov 2011 09:10:18 -0500 (EST)
To:  <>
Subject:  [TMIC] quiet ot
Resent-From:  <>
Resent-Date:  Mon, 28 Nov 2011 06:13:04 -0800

> I hope everyone is ok.  It has been very quiet on this site since before
> Thanksgiving  or maybe I am kicked off again.   Missing you.
> Jane/Splendora Tx

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