Still here!      It seems to be another “quiet” time.     At night after going 
to bed, I seem to think of things I want to ask the group, but then with my 
brilliant memory, I forget by morning.
We have had some new people join the group lately, which is good.      I think 
there are many of us that still read whatever comes across our website, but 
don’t bother to get into it either
because they are subjects that have been discussed long ago and they put their 
2 cents worth in at that time, or feel they have nothing to offer.       We 
really need to respond more for
the new ones just joined and the new ones need to jump in and add to the 
conversation too.        This is a great website with terrific people and we 
need to keep it going with comments
and questions and responses.


From: Robert Pall 
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 7:33 AM
Subject: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

Hi...lately the only mail I receive is from"friends living with TM" ....I just 
left that facebook room because I was getting far to many chats. Is our network 
still active or has everyone joined another group. This is where I started and 
this is where I belong.
I would love to hear back from all of the "active" members and see how they are 
Rob in New Jersey 

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