Do any of you 

look at a page of information and spaces laid out in a grid or matrix fashion 
and just freeze up with befuddlement?  It could be a bill or something from the 
IRS, for example.  I don't know what I am seeing anymore.   I can't find things 
on such a page and can't make out what it says or what I am supposed to get 
from it.  What is it telling me?  What am I supposed to do about it?  What 
action am I supposed to take?  I just look at it and lock up.


Dalton Garis
Flushing, Queens
New York, USA
(718) 838-0437

On 27 Jan 2013, at 11:43 AM, Janice Nichols <> wrote:

> If there was a “butting in”, I would have been bannned from here long ago!!
> Janice
> From:
> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2013 6:35 PM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] Tonight, Today, Tomorrow
> I hope it's ok to butt in, I haven't had a drink since I first tried one 
> shortly after coming down with TM.  It knocked me for a loop!  Almost fell 
> out of my chair, threw up for hours and said never again!  I was never a big 
> drinker, but that one drink did it for me!
> Jude
> In a message dated 1/26/2013 7:09:56 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
> writes:
> I don't know it affects you, but whenever I have any alcohol, it interferes 
> with the effectiveness of my pain medication. I was never a lush - a glass of 
> wine or a beer occasionally,  or a mixed drink or champagne at parties and 
> holidays - but ever since TM, I can't drink anything without the pain 
> breaking through way sooner than it should. I tried several times thinking it 
> was just a coincidence or I was overly fatigued    prior to the drink, but it 
> happens every time no matter what. Kinda puts a damper on celebrations now, 
> but I've resigned myself to NOT imbibe - it just isn't worth the discomfort!
> Betty
> On 1/26/2013 2:41 PM, Janice Nichols wrote:
>> Linda,
>> I have a good friend who has tremors in his hands too.    You are right, he 
>> says a good stiff drink makes a difference with his tremors!
>> You are making the best of what TM has done to you and that is saying a 
>> lot!!    Keep it up and keep responding.
>> Janice
>> From: Linda Egli
>> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2013 11:10 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [TMIC] Tonight, Today, Tomorrow
>> I lost a wonderful job working in a local Public Health Department.  I had 
>> worked there for 12 years & loved every minute of the job.  I went to the 
>> doctor with severe numbness & loss of motor function, I then saw a 
>> neurologist & after  a 36 years as a nurse, my career was over. I left work 
>> that day & was never able to return - very hard to deal with & probably  
>> took 2-3 yeas to finally accept.
>> I miss dancing; I was not the greatest but I enjoyed it.
>> The main thing I miss now is only having partial use of my hands.  About 2 
>> years into TM I developed essential tremors in both hands (especially the 
>> right hand & I am right handed).  I take Primidone but it really doesn't 
>> help a lot. The main thing that helps the tremors is alcohol & I can't drink 
>> every 4-6 hours, (but some days I try).  Between the severe numbness & 
>> tremors, using my hands can be difficult.  I had always enjoyed sewing, 
>> needlework, crocheting, scrap booking, & just anything involving arts & 
>> crafts.  I got rid of 95% of my craft & sewing items because I could not 
>> stand not being able to use them (I had a whole room for crafts).  I have 
>> found I can do jigsaw puzzles - the 3-D ones with larger foam pieces or a 
>> little crocheting if I keep it at 15 -20 minutes.
>> I try to be positive as much as possible, knowing there are many people with 
>> much worse difficulty than me.  On a good note, I have a wonderful 
>> supportive husband (helps with laundry & tries to help cooking),  good 
>> medical coverage, & am able to afford someone in to help with the house 3 
>> days weekly.
>> Life is what you make of it.
>> Linda E.   
>> From: john snodgrass
>> To: transverse myelitis 
>> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2013 5:44 AM
>> Subject: Re: [TMIC] Tonight, Today, Tomorrow
>> i was a work-a-holic
>> i sure miss that!
>> From:
>> To: 
>> Cc: 
>> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 10:32 PM
>> Subject: [TMIC] Tonight, Today, Tomorrow
>> Hi everybody,
>> Tonight, sitting here doing nothing, I'm wondering how Transverse Myelitis 
>> has affected your life.  What has it stolen from you.  Maybe everything, 
>> maybe nothing.  I'm sure it is a personal thing.
>> Some people choose to focus on life and believe that everything in life 
>> happens for a reason. 
>> I love life and refuse to let TM steal one minute. Life is made up of many 
>> joyous moments and I choose to focus on those moments, not TM. 
>> Because of my love for life, I refuse to feel sorry for myself.  I've 
>> learned to be outspoken about my TM and I've become a demanding person 
>> because of TM. 
>> I hate that I've had to give up driving and remember how it used to feel 
>> heading down the highway with my arm resting on the window turned all the 
>> way down.
>> Always remember that today could be potentially the best day of your life.  
>> Never take today for granted.  When you wake up each morning remember to 
>> thank God for giving you another day.
>> Always end the day with a positive thought.  No matter how hard thing were, 
>> Tomorrow is a fresh opportunity to make it better.  (unknown)

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