I am so sorry. At least you have someone to be really close to. When you have the foot surgery, please let us know how you are doing.

-----Original Message----- From: Nikki Macleod
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 11:40 AM
To: Janice Nichols
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Tonight, Today, tomorrow

I was supposed to get married not long after TM hit so it was all cancelled. I have a very loving partner who I have been with since I was 16 years old, he's my rock and so supportive. We had to move from our home to a bungalow so when we did this we moved closer to my family and friends. Am not currently receiving PT but do my own exercises on my arms but they are very weak. I am waiting for an operation on my feet as I have severe foot drop and other deformities.

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On 26 Jan 2013, at 23:10, "Janice Nichols" <jan...@centurytel.net> wrote:

I really hate that you were so young when TM hit. Are you married? Do have any family around you? Are you doing any physical therapy?

-----Original Message----- From: Nikki Macleod
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2013 2:43 PM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] Tonight, Today, tomorrow

I feel as though TM has robbed me of all of my hopes and dreams. I'm 25 yrs old (23 when TM hit) and I had my dream job and had just graduated from uni. I miss my job terribly I worked in early years and it was my passion. I miss the interaction I had with the children, parents, colleagues, and basically the big wide world. I loved going to the gym but I am now paralysed from the shoulders down so this is now also a no go area. I loved the buzz it gave you and found it relaxing. I didn't actually know how much I'd miss driving, managing my toileting needs and how it had robbed me of all of my independence, confidence and self-esteem and send me spiralling into a pit of deep dark depression. But, I am slowly regaining my confidence, setting up fundraising days for my new wheelchair and I have started to write a book. TM will only beat you if you let it!!
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