Hi Nikki

Yes, TM definitely sorts your true friends from the duds.   I have a treasured 
few that I still see and hear from on a regular basis.  I expect we all have 
tales to tell of disillusionment - my one that still hurts is the so-called 
friend that I spent a lot of time with, holidays, etc., who I realised was 
checking in with me every now and then to update herself on the intimate 
details to pass on to anyone who would listen.   I would have preferred for the 
postman not to know of my bathroom problems!   

Far more importantly, I now have a small group of friends and family that I 
love and trust and that will do for me.

Take care


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On 5 Jul 2013, at 22:19, Nikki Macleod <nmacleo...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi everyone, just thought I'd bring this subject up - sorry if it's a bit 
> typical. 
> I brought this up because I don't know about anyone else, but I've certainly 
> found out who my real friends are. The friends that are there for you no 
> matter what - whether you can walk or not, whether your in a wheelchair, need 
> help with toileting needs, feed you, provide encouragement and be there as a 
> shoulder to cry on when you need it. That's what friends are supposed to be; 
> there through thick and thin through both the good and bad times. 
> Unfortunately most of my friends didn't see it that way and I lost most of my 
> friends but at least I know the friends I do have are TRUE friends because 
> people just tend to see the wheelchair but, its still the same person inside. 
> Good job I have a fantastic fiancé who I met when I was 16 years old (I am 26 
> now) and has been with me before and after the TM struck (Feb 2011). I also 
> have a great family and GP who are my support network. 
> I was just wondering if anyone else found they lost so called friends because 
> of TM?
> Nikki
> Durham, UK.
> Sent from my iPad

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