Hello Susan

Thank you for sharing your interesting and really quite shocking story.  It 
would be good to think this could not happen in these more enlightened times 
but the cynic in me doubts this, especially with building land at such a 
premium here in the UK.   I'm so pleased you have made such an improvement and 
all down to your own persistence!  Thank goodness you had those tests, for the 
sake of your children also.
Very best wishes for the future.
Iris UK

Sent from my iPad

> On 23 Jan 2015, at 15:30, Susan Kleinz <skle...@cox.net> wrote:
> Hello ™ friends:
> This is Susan Kleinz, Phx, AZ.  This group was extremely important to me 5 
> years ago when I relapsed and spent my time in bed or the lazy boy outside 
> (tacky, I know).  After trying everything I could find to help me get better 
> (acupuncture, prolotherapy, PRP therapy, cranial facial, myofacial pt 
> therapy…) I decided to have a food allergy test and toxic heavy metals test.  
> I was only allergic to bananas, yogurt and whey.  No big deal.  However my 
> heavy metals test showed me in dangerous levels of lead, mercury, cadmium, 
> gadolinium(from MRI'S)  After my first set of chelation, which is an IV 
> solution that pulls the metals from your body, I felt
> bizarre results.  I could do so much more!  I can walk so much better, no 
> longer in bed, worked for 7 months straight in my father's store, and 
> basically feel like I have so much of my life back.  I am now on my 31st 
> treatment.  Most people only needs 6.  I have a "heavy body burden" of toxic 
> metals.  Our family home was built on the Motorola dumping ground.  20 years 
> of toxic wastes dumped into the ground and into our water.  Our whole 
> neighborhood is sick with cancer, immune issues, ms…etc.)  It is expensive to 
> do this treatment… $155 per.  My husband has wiped out our savings to help me 
> get better.  I feel that the reason I contracted ™ is because of this 
> poisoning.  I used to lay in bed and feel I was being poisoned.  Every day I 
> felt like this.  I even dreamed that my husband was poisoning me… I passed 
> these metals on to two of my three children who were able to detox with 6 
> treatments only.
> This treatment may be available soon under insurance, but mine does not cover 
> NMD -Naturepaths (sp?).
> I even feel and look more like myself!
> I am always thinking about all of you.
> Susan  
>> On Jan 22, 2015, at 6:11 PM, Janice Nichols <jannic...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Amy
>> Glad to hear you are doing much better.     Is what you had similar to what 
>> I had in the hospital where I had a UTI infection, but, of course, I didn’t 
>> feel it.   Then it went systemic and
>> I nearly died too.    No fun.
>> Janice
>> From: amy shultz
>> Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 5:34 AM
>> To: Tmic
>> Subject: Fwd: [TMIC] Hey everybody,
>> I am here and on FB too.  Does anyone know how Jude Hoops Is? I haven't seen 
>> her anywhere. Or heard from her. This is Amy Shultz. I had a really bad 
>> summer up till Oct 31st when I almost died. The doctors said my body took a 
>> big hit.  I had severe sepsis and septic shock. Since my hair is falling out 
>> really bad and nails are splitting and peeling and breaking. Real fragile. I 
>> even take 6000mcg of Biotin a day and have for a couple years. So IDK what's 
>> going on.
>> Amy Shultz
>> Ohio
>> Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone
>> -------- Original message --------
>> From: suerdlagpu...@gmail.com 
>> Date:01/21/2015 9:47 AM (GMT-05:00) 
>> To: Pat <p...@voorheissigns.com>, Susan Kleinz <skle...@cox.net> 
>> Cc: malugss...@gmail.com, Janice Nichols <jannic...@gmail.com>, Nikki 
>> Macleod <nmacleo...@yahoo.co.uk>, tmic-list@eskimo.com 
>> Subject: Re: [TMIC] Hey everybody, 
>> Good story. Very instructive. 
>> Thanks
>> Dalton
>> Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
>>   Original Message  
>> From: Pat
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 9:23 AM
>> To: Susan Kleinz
>> Cc: malugss...@gmail.com; Janice Nichols; Nikki Macleod; tmic-list@eskimo.com
>> Subject: Re: [TMIC] Hey everybody,
>> I'm here and on Face Book. I haven't had any changes in my TM, but I do have 
>> an interesting story about a suspected relapse. 
>> In December, 2013, I thought I had a TM relapse or a stroke and went to ER 
>> walking and talking as if I was in a drunken stupor. CT, MRI's, and Labs 
>> showed nothing new had happened and I recovered fine. My doctors and I were 
>> stumped. 
>> In December 2014, I woke up one morning feeling my "TM normal" with the 
>> start of a cold. I went thru my routine of meds, reading, and coffee. I had 
>> difficulty standing up, my walking was bad and felt drunk when I started for 
>> another cup of coffee. I again wondered if I was having a TM relapse. 
>> I sat and compared the two "relapses". I didn't want to go thru another 36 
>> hour observation in ER. I felt and walked and talked as if drunk both times. 
>> I had the start of a cold both times. I had taken cough syrup both times, 
>> but the bottle was almost empty so it couldn't be that. 
>> I didn't have a relapse at all. I had a reaction to taking a full dose of 
>> cough syrup with Dextromethorphan and my TM meds Lyrica and Baclofen - on an 
>> empty stomach. 
>> What a relief! I saw my PCP yesterday for my RX renewals and I think she was 
>> as relieved as I was. That means no TM relapses in 11 years. Praise the 
>> Lord! 
>> Patti - Michigan. 
>> > On Jan 18, 2015, at 1:12 PM, Susan Kleinz <skle...@cox.net> wrote:
>> > 
>> > Me too. On a trip but will be responding. ! So glad someone is still out 
>> > there in our tm group
>> > 
>> > Sent from my iPhone
>> > 
>> >> On Jan 17, 2015, at 10:41 AM, malugss...@gmail.com wrote:
>> >> 
>> >> I'm still here also. 
>> >> 
>> >> Dalton
>> >> 
>> >> Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
>> >> Original Message 
>> >> From: Janice Nichols
>> >> Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2015 12:33 PM
>> >> To: Nikki Macleod; tmic-list@eskimo.com
>> >> Subject: Re: [TMIC] Hey everybody,
>> >> 
>> >> Hi Nikki,
>> >> I remember you! The old group has pretty well disbanded and gone to 
>> >> Facebook , etc. I have had TM for 8 years and there is always 
>> >> something improving. You have to work hard at it and keep moving, but it 
>> >> really pays off. Once in a while the bladder even improves for a 
>> >> hile - and then to the usual, but I will take what I can get. I really 
>> >> wish doctor's would not give a time limit on improvement - we all go at 
>> >> different paces with
>> >> different problems to deal with. You sound great and I am really 
>> >> proud of all your accomplishments. It couldn't have been easy for you. 
>> >> Keep in touch.
>> >> 
>> >> Janice
>> >> Missouri
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> -----Original Message----- 
>> >> From: Nikki Macleod
>> >> Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2015 6:37 AM
>> >> To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
>> >> Subject: [TMIC] Hey everybody,
>> >> 
>> >> Hi everyone,
>> >> It's been a while since I've been in here and I was wondering how 
>> >> everyone 
>> >> was doing. Any improvement. The last time I posted I was really messed up 
>> >> mentally. Suicidal and really low, a horrible time in my life. My life 
>> >> has 
>> >> changed dramatically since then, me and my fiancé of nearly 10 years 
>> >> broke 
>> >> up and I never though I'd say this but it was for the best. I am much 
>> >> happier. I live in my little bungalow with my dog Finlay who I've had 
>> >> since 
>> >> before TM and have 24/7 care. My depression is much better, it is now 
>> >> stable 
>> >> and under control. I am getting out and about much more especially since 
>> >> I 
>> >> recently got my new powered wheelchair. I am starting to not only love 
>> >> life 
>> >> again but love myself again. I also have more positive news, I have 
>> >> recently 
>> >> been experiencing some weird sensations in my left hand and some of my 
>> >> fingers which I can only describe as what feels like pins and needles. I 
>> >> figured this is a good thing considering it is numb until I get these 
>> >> episodes. I've also had episodes of feeling as though the soles of feet 
>> >> are 
>> >> burning like they are on fire. TM struck me on 15/02/2011. Doctors told 
>> >> me 
>> >> after a certain period of time that would be the end of the improvement. 
>> >> I 
>> >> believe that you may continue to improve way after that (I have). Has 
>> >> anyone 
>> >> else experienced anything like this?
>> >> 
>> >> Nikki, Durham, UK.
>> >> 
>> >> Sent from my iPad
>> > 
>> >

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