I figured this would be controversial...

First some context: this was originally filed a wishlist request in the
Debian BTS. I replied that the only way to keep the cwd is to use the
client, and that achieving this from keys would involve non-portable ways
of getting the working directory and so wasn't possible.

But after thinking about it some more I decided to try it out anyway, and
found that it's quite useful in contexts where you're working on something
in one window, the window gets blocked by something long-running (like
make, tig, or whatever) and you want to run something else in the
meantime. It's more convenient to quickly create/destroy a pane than to
background or interrupt whatever you're running in the first pane and when
you do that, not having to cd back to where you were working is very

It seems that this is often requested by users, it's in the FAQ and
also mentioned in various places:


so I think that the potential benefits to users outweigh the relative
ugliness of having non-portable code (and platform-differentiated
features) in tmux. I'm not interested in workarounds which involve running
the client from a key via run-shell, tmux can do that efficiently by
itself as the patch shows.

Anyway, I looked at the various BSDs and FreeBSD exports the required info
via KERN_PROC_PGRP (that probably covers Dragonfly as well). For NetBSD
and OpenBSD I didn't find anything, the kinfo_proc interface is different.
But maybe I'm wrong.

Is it really a hard requirement to have it work on all BSDs even if it's
not enabled by default? I'd really like to avoid having to carry this
feature as a Debian patch.

Romain Francoise <rfranco...@debian.org>

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
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